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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Doing my part and claiming a few trophies while I'm at it

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Oct 27, 2008 at 11:47:40 AM EST
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    It's a blustery weekend afternoon.  It's raining and cold so you use those as excuses to avoid mowing the lawn.  It's noonish so you put a pizza in the oven, set the timer, wait for the buzz, pour yourself a tall glass of Pepsi and sit down to enjoy a piping hot slice, seated firmly and comfortably in front of the television, a football game providing a quick distraction from the rest of the world.

    Then the doorbell rings.  It's a woman holding a clipboard, hands full of what you quickly determine to be Barack Obama literature.  The game is on, the ice is melting in your soda and your pizza is getting cold... so you've got a few choices.

    You could, A, answer the door, thank the woman kindly for stopping by but inform her politely that you're in the middle of a meal.

    You could, B, look the misguided Obama-zombie straight in the eye and tell her that while you understand her candidate is planning to redistribute your wealth you will not, while you have the power, allow her to redistribute your time in the middle of a football game.

    If that isn't enough you could always, C, have a little fun, opening the door and in a raspy voice answer her questions with lines from your favorite episode of Homestar Runner's Teen Girl Squad.  Unadulterated gibberish is perfectly befitting the economic policy being pursued by her candidate of choice.  

    Her: "Hi, my name is Suzy and I'm going door-to-door talking to people about Barack Obama.  Have you decided who you'll be voting for this November?"

    You: "Corn chips are no place for a mighty warrior."

    Her: "I'm sorry, what?  No, I mean, this November, are you going to be voting for Barack Obama?"

    You: "Lathe'd!!!!"

    Her: "I really don't understand.  I'm here representing Barack Obama."

    You: "And lunch today will be a breadtangle of pizza.  It's OVER." *SLAM*

    Or, if you're a really enterprising resident of the sort of eighty-percent Dem precinct that actually gets door-knocks from Democrats, you could go with option D.  Let that pizza get cold, ignore the football game and occupy the Obama acolyte for as long as you can manage.

    After all, the longer she's on your front-porch talking to YOU the less time she's spending trying to indoctrinate your neighbors.

    This was my dilemma this weekend but really, it was no dilemma at all.  

    Read on...

    See, I'm just so disenfranchised with the whole political process.  I blame the economy on the Democrats but I just don't like everything I hear from John McCain.  I mean, I know he tried to warn us about Fannie and Freddy years ago but then again, Barack Obama seems like a really nice guy.  

    Michigan's economy?  That's Jennifer Granholm's fault but it isn't Barack Obama's.  Is it?  Is it fair to blame him?  What did she think, I asked?

    For a solid fifteen minutes I kept the sycophant occupied on my porch and as she finally realized that she'd better be pushing off she offered a packet of her campaign literature... so I can continue my research, see?  Actually, I told her, I have a couple of siblings who are undecided too.  (They weren't sure what they were doing for dinner that evening.)  She gave me three full packets stuffed to the brim with fancy, glossy, expensive looking Obama, Hathaway, Bob Dean and local Kent County candidate flyers and anti-GOP hit pieces.  

    Now, in the spirit of openness and honesty, I'd like to invite everyone else to do a little research of their own, too.  If you're curious what liberal extremists like Hathaway and tax-hikers extraordinaire like Bob Dean are saying in their campaign lit, take a gander (and click to embiggen).

    And the next time an Obama worshiper approaches your stoop, go with option D.  Or C.  "Your stepmom has questionable taste.  And like a million jogging suits."





    < Monday in the Sphere, October 27 | October Surprise >

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    Classic! (none / 0) (#1)
    by jgillmanjr on Mon Oct 27, 2008 at 12:10:37 PM EST
    A wonderful story as usual ;)

    I like option D but... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Mon Oct 27, 2008 at 12:46:05 PM EST
    I can't believe you didn't get me a packet of the glossies!

    Where's the love?

    A very good story (none / 0) (#3)
    by Dutchsma on Mon Oct 27, 2008 at 01:35:13 PM EST
    Amusingly (or perhaps not) our illustrious governor was in GR this weekend telling Dems to vote.  That this is an election all about change and that the results will change the country and Michigan forever.

    I had to laugh at what she was telling people as I thought to myself that there are probably as many people wanting get rid of Jennifer Granholm as Michigan's governor (in the spirit of "change", of course) as there are people wanting to change our current president.

    Last week she was in Florida stumping for Obama.  It made me wonder why she wasn't in Michigan telling everyone how bad things are in Michigan, that people are leaving and how it's all GWB's fault.  Then I remembered, people in Michigan don't believe her or trust her.

    Funny what happens when you cry wolf too often.

    I smell a bonfire coming (none / 0) (#4)
    by John Galt on Mon Oct 27, 2008 at 06:34:57 PM EST
    "take as many as you want, we have $150 million we'll print more."

    I'm stuck on an option 'E' (none / 0) (#7)
    by maidintheus on Mon Oct 27, 2008 at 07:34:04 PM EST
    The local DNC volunteer called me near the end of dinner.

    She sounded like an inteligent and focused person. She also started the conversation by asking me if I was going to vote for BO. Of course I told her that I wasn't comfortable sharing that.

    Then I asked her a bunch of questions: Why should I vote for BO, what should one use as a template for determining who they vote for...she never said anything about the Constitution.

    I also munched on an apple and I finally said I had better let her go.

    The calls are great and one can talk to them a long time. Much better then trying to give away food for a yard sign like in Warren, snark.  

    There really (none / 0) (#8)
    by apackof2 on Mon Oct 27, 2008 at 07:55:40 PM EST

    isn't a Democrat party anymore

    Its all libs and socialists now

    They need a name change

    Socialism-R-Us Party

    Lib-o-crap Party

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