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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Strike Imminent? GR Teachers Union calling substitutes, warning 'don't cross our picket line!'

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Oct 21, 2008 at 10:06:20 AM EST
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    The teachers' union purporting to represent educators in the Grand Rapids Public Schools aren't just rattling their sabers, they're preparing for war.  A potential illegal teacher strike has long been rumored in the River City but the union's activity recently ramped up another notch while their tactics took a firm step into ethical ambiguity.  

    Who am I kidding... they're picking a fight and they're playing dirty.  

    GRPS teachers have worked for sometime without a new contract.  The union continues to reject Board of Education contract proposals, insisting that a 5% to 7% raise is simply not large enough for their members.  Despite dramatically declining enrollment, they demand a 6.85% to 9% pay increase along with a retroactive raise covering previous years.  All told and despite dramatically declining enrollment, the union demands would slap the cash-strapped Grand Rapids Public Schools with a new $8.5 million liability.  Each year.  

    In August, Big Labor boss Paul Helder (pictured, left) sent a letter to each of the members on GREA mailing lists, informing them of a potential illegal labor action that would literally leave Grand Rapids kids out in the cold.  The GR Pundit has a copy posted HERE.  

    Do not cross the picket line, was the warning.  And now, to make sure everyone gets the point, anonymous members of the union are attempting to intimidate non-union substitute teachers at their homes.

    GRPS contracts their substitute teachers through the west Michigan based Professional Educational Services Group.  Though critically important, effective and efficient by any measure, many substitutes have simply never taught full-time in the public schools.  Many are homemakers, many have other forms of primary employment and many are recent college graduates yet to find permanent work in one of the city's schools.  As such, many of these able substitute teachers are not and never have been members of the Grand Rapids Education Association.  

    They receive no union benefits, no union protection and are often overlooked in favor of GREA members when jobs become available.  That has not stopped the local teachers union from attempting to intimidate them as if they were dues payers.

    Several substitute teachers (who asked not to be named for fear of reprisal) contacted for this story confirm that they have not only received letters warning them not to cross the union, but they are now receiving ominous, anonymous phone calls at their homes.

    The calls go something like this.  

    Read on...

    A woman telephones the local substitute teacher and identifies herself plainly as a Grand Rapids Public School teacher.  She informs the substitute that a strike may be launched "in the next several weeks" and requests that the substitute "support" the union by declining any job offers.  All pretty benign.  A part of a criminal conspiracy?  Literally, yes.  But pretty benign.

    Things get tricky, though, when the substitute asks for more information or informs the caller that he or she needs the work and will likely not be willing to honor their illegal picket lines.

    The teachers approached for this article each confirm that the callers decline to give their names and only repeat the claim that he or she is a "Grand Rapids Public School teacher."  

    When the caller is informed that an illegal picket line will not be honored the caller insists that the line must be honored and suggests, not too subtly, that crossing the line will not be appreciated.  The fact that they are calling the substitute teachers at their homes speaks plainly to the fact that the GREA knows who they are and where they live.  

    The implicit threat... if you ever hope to work in our schools full-time you'll tow the union line.

    After receiving word of the telephone campaign PESG issued a letter to each of their substitutes addressing the situation and the potential need for their valuable services.  The Executive Director of Human Resources writes:

    Dear Substitute/Guest Teacher,

    In light of recent reports of a communication by the GREA to some of you, I write on behalf of the District and PESG.

    First, please know that the District and PESG very much appreciates and values the services you provide to our  schools and students. We also want to assure you that the District or PESG has not knowingly allowed your home addresses to be viewed by users of the AESOP system. This summer, we took action to protect your personal information from access by individuals who did not have legitimate business reason to have such access. The District and PESG have worked together to remove your phone numbers from being viewed on the AESOP system. We have also worked together to insure there will be no unauthorized or inappropriate system access and have taken the necessary steps on our end to maintain the integrity of the system.  If you are aware of problems, please let PESG know so the District can work with your employer to address your concerns.

    Second, we regret that you are being asked to be involved in a dispute to which you are not a party. You have the legal right to work in our schools, if requested by the District through its provider, PESG.   In the unfortunate event that some District employees choose to knowingly engage in illegal conduct, the District will take appropriate steps to deal with those unlawful behaviors. We will not tolerate conduct by adults who model illegal behavior for our students.

    You are not obligated to follow others who may choose to engage in an illegal job action. You should not be threatened or coerced to forsake opportunities for employment. In the event of an illegal strike, the District will rely, in part, on you to maintain an educational program for our students, and we appreciate your continued dedication to our students and our schools.

    Meanwhile, the District continues to work towards a collaborative solution to the differences we have with the GREA while maintaining our responsibility to fiscal integrity. Recent events in our financial markets certainly demonstrate the importance of sound fiscal management and making sure we live within our means as a District.

    PESG has sent out previous communication to each of you, they will conduct business as usual to support the District, and maintain an educational program for our students.

    At all times, our top priority and focus is the 19,000+ students who are counting on our schools for their education. We thank you again for your continuing efforts to assist the District in achieving this goal.


    Fredericka Williams

    Calls to GREA President Paul Helder seeking comment about his union's tactics and the names of the men and women making telephone calls have gone unreturned.  

    While those questions remain, one thing has become very clear.  The Grand Rapids Education Association is ramping up their preparations for an illegal teacher strike and the moment they walk out, west Michigan kids will pay the price.

    < If you haven't seen that new OCDB Ad running here in Michigan... | Why I'm Voting Democrat >

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    The MEA reverse FOIA implications (none / 0) (#1)
    by chetly on Tue Oct 21, 2008 at 10:37:15 AM EST

    The irony of the timing of the MEA loss on the reverse FOIA has implications here.  17 months ago, we got hints at what the MEA was doing TO ITS OWN DUES PAYING MEMBERS WHO PREFERRED cash raises over fighting for gold-plated MESSA (gold-plated profits to MESSA administrators to pump back into buying politicians).  One union leader lambastes a member who "did the math" and found that a pay raise was better for many members in the long-run than a small increase in deductible or decrease in benefits (including upto 39 massages, acupuncture, and other non-medical benefits), but that's not what the leaders want.

    Politics of personal destruction.  Not just for line-crossers - for all dissidents.

    Chetly Zarko
    Outside Lansing & Oakland Politics

    There's obviously an east-west... (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Tue Oct 21, 2008 at 01:13:40 PM EST
    ...Michigan-thing going on here.

    When the UAW went on strike against AAM several months back, AAM took out an ad in the Sunday paper advertising for replacements.

    Not only did they received an overwhelming response to their ad, but they had more than enough people to replace those who walked out, if they chose to go back into operation.

    Just something to think about.

    I was thinking the same (none / 0) (#3)
    by apackof2 on Tue Oct 21, 2008 at 08:23:32 PM EST
    thing KG One

    Remember the Teacher Union Motto (none / 0) (#5)
    by John Galt on Thu Oct 23, 2008 at 10:07:06 AM EST
    "We'll start caring about the kids when they start paying union dues."

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