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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    OOOOOOH RAHHH!!! I feel good, do da do da do da do daaa!

    By maidintheus, Section News
    Posted on Thu Oct 16, 2008 at 08:11:22 AM EST
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    Did you watch the debate last night?  I don't care what the main stream media (MSM) says, I think McCain 'won' by doing a great job.  I appreciated the way he kept a good eye contact with B.O. too and was more confrontational with B.O.  I appreciated his stance on the issues and he made great points.  At this time, I believe he is the right man for POTUS and he'll be great for MI.

    For some reason, there are those who are offended by God, His word, Jesus, and all things Christian.  As if that's the problem in America and we're not a force for all things good, healthy, wholesome, and united.  Rather, "they' will focus on some evil fringe element who behave as if they're not aware that hating is not part of God or part of being Christian, and that God says hate is equal to murder.  Those very slanderous ones will use 'christian' and even parts of God's word when they want to try to manipulate the masses to think that they're basically for and of the people.  These fringe 'extremely twisted' ones (from either side) continue to misrepresent God's word and have tried to keep people convinced that 'true' Christians who cling to Godly wisdom, should stay quiet and be embarrassed.


    Remember that God doesn't have to have everyone on board.  God said if His people would humble themselves (to Him, have faith in Him and His Word) and pray, seek His face, turn from their ways that are twisted away from Him (His desire for us to do, be, think, act, His way), then we will hear from heaven and God will heal our land.

    That's very comforting to believe.  We can believe it because God's word is true.

    So, according to God, it doesn't take winning over a bunch of haters and defilers.  It just takes us, the ones who (do now) believe.  I know I can count on you to believe with me.

    Remember, God is love, and in Him there is no shadow of turning.  Pursue peace at all times.  Don't get caught up in resentment (God, help me humble myself to your way and remind me when I'm straying) towards those who are against the faith.  As is indicative in the Bible and Jesus words on the cross, it's just a lack of belief.  They can believe in gravity.  If they believed in God and His Word as much as gravity, they would do differently, rather then 'their own' twisted version.  We (people) act on what we really believe and we understand what individuals believe by what comes out of their mouth.

    Be of good cheer!

    < Thursday in the Sphere, October 16 | Don't forget Hoogendyk DEBATE Sunday >

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