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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    The Difference Between Republicans and Democrats: The Michigan House

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jan 09, 2008 at 10:50:14 AM EST
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    When we discuss broad, sweeping things like "the legislature" and "republicans and democrats" it's easy to slip into generalities.  The legislature is an abject failure.  They're all children.  Republicans this, Democrats that.  It's even easier to fall back into inaccuracy when an entire political movement practices a very disciplined spin on a particular issue.  The left will tell you, for instance, that Republicans were responsible for the massive tax hikes in 2007.  And it'd be easy to believe them until you do the math and realize that every single Democrat voted to raise taxes (over seventy of them) while only a handful of "republicans" cast even one vote to raise taxes.

    But still we decry the legislature and many succumb to the temptation to throw the baby out with the bathwater.  This is a compulsion that I, honestly, do not understand.  Does the legislature need an overhaul badly?  For sure.  But are there good people attempting to do good work with solid economics designed to bring Michigan back from the brink?  Absolutely.  And there really is a difference between Democrats and Republicans.  Take the way the Parties entered 2008.  While the GOP is focusing on getting Michigan's economy back on track the Dems... well... they're spending oodles of new cash on an entrenched bureacracy.  But we'll get there in a moment.  Lets start with the good guys and an issue on the front-burner.

    The House Republicans have been making headlines for their battle to cut property taxes and protect homeowners from the growing foreclosure crisis that's gripping Michigan.  

    Read on...

    Some communities have seen rates jump as much as 90% while working moms and dads struggle as never before literally to keep a roof over their kids' heads.  And sadly, this isn't a new problem.  It's been building and building and every day it goes unaddressed it does nastier things.  So, God bless them, the Republicans in the House are trying to do something about it.  Says the Oakland Press:

    Lawmakers say the current drop in housing values has created a situation where people who have been in their homes for a long time see their property taxes increase even in markets like the current one - where property values are declining.

    Two packages of bills proposed by state House Republicans might be the right way to go.
    The bills would:

    Eliminate the transfer tax. They estimate that would cost the state $250 million, a cost that could be offset if lawmakers pass a $600 million package of cuts and reforms to state government.

    Create a "supercap" that prevents taxes from increasing when property values decline.

    Allow a tax deduction on losses for individuals when the sale of a foreclosed home is below what was owed on the home.

    Reduce the pop-up tax when a home is sold. Currently, a home is reassessed for tax purposes at market value when it changes hands, allowing the capped tax to pop up. The legislation proposes to limit the amount of the pop-up.

    Extend homestead property tax exemptions for people struggling to sell their homes.

    Make it a state felony for mortgage fraud, inflated appraisals or filing fraudulent deeds.

    Notice, if you will, that their proposed home-saving tax cuts are accompanied by a specific package of cuts and reforms to state government.  They're not talking about irresponsible tax cuts that would harm education or care for the elderly.  They're not talking about closing schools and letting people die (though the Governor often does).  They're not even talking about chewing up the recently and dubiously discovered $350 million post tax-hike budget surplus.

    People are hurting and losing their homes.  Something needs to be done and the House GOP is attempting to act.  Unfortunately they haven't had much cooperation from House Speaker Andy Dillon and his tax-hike caucus.  The Macomb Daily reports:

    "We've had a year to address this but the only thing we've done all year was the budget, and we didn't do a very good job of that," said Rep. Dan Acciavatti, a Chesterfield Township Republican. "We spent all this year raising taxes and raising fees. We've got to spend next year providing some relief. And it should start with property tax relief."

    Some of the bills have sat idle in the House since they were introduced in March. On Monday, GOP lawmakers announced additional legislation and called for quick action on the entire package after the first of the year.

    Those calls have gone unanswered.  

    The House Democrats have different priorities entering the new legislative year.  While the Republicans fight tooth and nail with the Dem Speaker and his cronies to protect peoples' homes Andy Dillon has his sights set elsewhere... building a bigger bureaucracy!

    The memo below was delivered to House Republican offices between Christmas and New Years and comes directly from Dillon's business office.  You'll notice a section outlined in red that announces each House Republican office will be granted $97,500 for staff and other expenses in 2008.  That's a lot of cash in and of itself but the number becomes shocking when you take a look at the 2007 budget.  Last year member offices only received $95,500.

    Office allotments change every year.  Sometimes they go up, sometimes they go down.  Often times the movement is purely partisan.  When Republicans control things the Democrats get less.  When the Dems take control they reign in the purse strings on the GOP while spending lavishly themselves.  

    This year everyone just plain got a raise.  Which is ironic considering this year we also got a government shutdown, $2.4 billion in new taxes and less than a handful of meaningful government cuts or reforms.

    Relief for families facing foreclosures or thousands in new spending in fancy expense accounts for entrenched bureaucrats.  Oh, yeah.  I'd say there's a difference between the GOP on their worst day and the Dems on their best.  And I imagine there are a few thousand folks facing foreclosure who'd agree.

    < And suddenly Michigan's Primary is a battleground... for the Democrats! | Michigan Fred Heads Unite! >

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    Facing Foreclosure (none / 0) (#1)
    by LameDuck on Wed Jan 09, 2008 at 07:33:56 PM EST
    Do the offices have to spend every penny they're given?  Do you honestly believe the Republicans won't use their "raise"?  I'm sure they're so concerned that they'll cut back on their own office spending.  Maybe the extra $2000, given to every office, isn't going to be spent well.  But I don't think the "relief for families facing foreclosure" is going to come from a party that wants to cut hundreds of millions of dollars from the budget that is used to serve Michiganders and their families.

    • served? by gnu2u, 01/09/2008 08:28:03 PM EST (none / 0)
    Paid to lie (none / 0) (#3)
    by Communications Guru on Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 10:27:25 AM EST
    More lies from DeLeeuw. Is that what Anuzis is paying you for?
    "When Republicans control things the Democrats get less.  When the Dems take control they reign in the purse strings on the GOP while spending lavishly themselves."

    The first sentence is correct, but the second is a pure lie, and you know it. In the Senate the Republicans have a bigger office allotment and includes benefit packages for four staffers, but the Democrats only have three. When Democrats took over control of the House last January, Andy Dillon gave each member office the same amount of money, just like the internal memo shows. How is that  "Dems reigning in the purse strings on the GOP while spending lavishly themselves?" Now, the Democratic central office staff is larger, but that's because they are committee chairs. That's why this is your full time job, right?

    I guess Hoogendyke and the other 51 Republicans will just give back the extra money. Don't hold your breath.

    Speaking about foreclosure. (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by KG One on Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 11:03:12 AM EST
    Regarding "relief for families facing foreclosure", would those be the same families who were too stupid to take an A.R.M. when they applied for a mortgage (for a house that they knew they couldn't realistically afford)?

    Are they people who live like our federal government and live solely on their credit?

    And just whose fault is it, that they are in the situation they are in right now?

    Staffers?!?! (none / 0) (#6)
    by LX on Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 11:23:09 AM EST
    Commie guru, exactly how many staffers does the First Gentleman have?

    Great comeback (none / 0) (#8)
    by Communications Guru on Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 02:41:24 PM EST
    Fine. I'm a troll and a commie. Not. But is there anything I wrote that was incorrect or not true? I didn't think so.

    If only the Granholm administration (none / 0) (#9)
    by Nick on Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 02:47:40 PM EST
    had the same budget surpluses that Michelle Engler's husband had.


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