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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Fact Check the Jan NH Debate

    By hangmann747, Section News
    Posted on Mon Jan 07, 2008 at 05:47:49 PM EST
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    Hello All,

    Just trying to keep everyone informed.  I cut and pasted this from www.fred08.com (http://fredfile.fred08.com/).  Once again Fred has his facts (ducks in a row) straight or should I say RIGHT!  As Always thanks for being involved, & many blessings Shane.

    "The Hunt For Red November" http://federalistfred.blogspot.com/

    No Need to Fudge

    Posted on January 7th, 2008
    By Sean Hackbarth in Debates

    Another debate means another Fact Check. (http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/nh_debate_the_gop_field.html) Again, Fred doesn't make it on there for Saturday's debate.  Other candidates weren't so lucky:

    ·    Romney claimed that the 47 million Americans who lack health care are not covered because they say, "I'm not going to play.  I'm just going to get free care paid for by everybody else."  Experts say that very few who are offered insurance turn it down and that the uninsured get worse care.

    ·    Giuliani falsely blamed President Clinton for cuts in the military that occurred in large part under President George H.W. Bush and Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. He said that "the Army had been at 725,000; it's down to 500,000."  That's true, but it was down to 572,423 by the time Clinton took office.

    ·    McCain recalled that he "strongly disagreed" with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and had "no confidence" in his Iraq strategy "at the time."  However, he didn't say publicly that he had no confidence in Rumsfeld until December 2004, after Bush was reelected and well after the war began.

    ·    Romney falsely denied that an attack ad called McCain's immigration bill "amnesty," though it does.  One of his Web ads also attacks McCain for supporting "amnesty."  He conceded during the debate that McCain's bill "technically" isn't amnesty.

    ·    Giuliani claimed that "economists" say health insurance rates would fall by up to 50 percent if millions more shopped for policies individually.  Once again, his campaign was unable to produce a single economist who supports that figure.

    ·    Romney claimed his Massachusetts state insurance program had reduced the number of uninsured in Massachusetts by 300,000.  That's the number who has gained coverage under the system, but many were covered previously through other means.

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