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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    With a record like this maybe shipping her off to DC isn't such a bad idea after all...

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jan 29, 2008 at 06:54:46 AM EST
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    I hesitate to even direct you to this chilling column by Detroit Free Press columnist Dawson Bell but it's too interesting a discussion not to have.  Speculation is growing among Lansing insiders that tonight might actually bring us Jennifer Granholm's final State of the State address.

    No, she's not going to resign and no, no one's mounting a serious effort to recall Granholm the (Economy) Destroyer (sorta like Attila the Hun but with blonder hair and a breathy delivery).  There's talk that should Hillary Clinton win the White House in November she'll tag the Governor to travel with her to Washington D.C.  After all, governor's take cabinet appointments just about every year and Michigan's own George Romney took a spot in the Nixon White House years ago.  

    "Unlike Romney, her record as governor doesn't recommend her," said Ballenger, a former Republican lawmaker. Granholm may not be to blame for Michigan's economic woes, he said, but her reputation suffers for having not fixed them.

    Nevertheless, Ballenger said Granholm likely has a Clinton administration job for the asking. He said he's just not sure which one, and how much power and prestige would be attached.

    Attorney general is the most obvious cabinet post for the former state attorney general and Harvard Law School graduate. Granholm, too, would seem a lock to win confirmation for a judicial appointment in a Democratic Senate, maybe even an appointment to the Supreme Court. A job like chief of staff to the president has brought sitting governors to the White House, too.

    Let that one sink in for a minute.  Tired of the sort of "results" Granholm's delivered?  Imagine giving her a lifetime appointment to the United States Supreme Court.  Imagine letting Emily's List's number one incumbent and a woman who's repeatedly defended the chilling and barbaric practice of partial-birth abortion in a State where the vast and overwhelming majority of voters have said again and again they disagree with her.  Imagine your grandkids reading history textbooks in school and learning about one ultra-leftist court decision after the other bearing the name Granholm.  

    Scary stuff.

    I'll tell you this much, after reading this story I'm suddenly much more inspired to get to a phone bank or to start banging on doors for the eventual GOP nominee.  Because nothing's finished just yet.  Everyone assumed John Engler would be a top level cabinet appointee in the Bush White House and then low and behold, Michigan went blue (or, stayed blue, rather) and the governor had to figure something else out.  

    Yikes.  Talk about a cold shiver.  Then again, it makes perfect sense.  When we interviewed RNC Communications Director Danny Diaz a few weeks ago he made a point of saying that Michigan illustrates for the rest of the nation exactly what happens under devastatingly bad Democrat economic policy.  Clinton's probably a fan of Michigan's "results."  Either that or she's entirely clueless about what we're going through.  She did, after all, swear off the Great Lakes State and has yet to step foot here since pledging to avoid us like the plague.

    Read on...

    Hopefully at the very least there's a briefing in her morning reading file letting her know that Chrysler is planning on shedding another 10,000 jobs.  

    And that the latest foreclosure numbers are out and they don't look pretty for Michigan (what else is new).  The Detroit News is reporting that Michigan is 3rd nationally in foreclosure rate and as much as I'd like to call that progress (it's nice not to be ranked 1st all the time) the actual numbers are far too ugly for even a moral victory:

    Throughout last year, 136,205 foreclosure notices were filed in the state, according to the report from RealtyTrac, an Irvine, Calif.-based company that tracks such statistics. Those filings affected 87,210 homes, or 1.95 percent of all households.

    The number of Michigan filings was 68.3 percent more than in 2006, and a whopping 282.2 percent higher than 2005. Nationally, foreclosures in 2007 were up 75 percent over 2006.

    For all of 2007, Michigan ranked among the top states for the number of foreclosures. That reflected Michigan's one-state recession, marked by massive manufacturing job losses and the nation's highest unemployment rate, as well as a sharp rise in the number of subprime mortgages that went into default.

    Two-hundred-eighty-two-plus percent more foreclosures than in 2005.  Now that's a job worthy of a Democrat cabinet position!  I read numbers like that and I'm tempted to take an entirely different approach to this Hillary / Jennifer BFF nonsense.  Take her.  Please.  Rescue us!  A Clinton White House might be the only hope before the rest of the State is razed to the ground.  Heaven knows the Democrats aren't doing anything to make a positive difference.  

    But that's not to say they aren't working.  While Leon Drolet and the Michigan Taxpayers Association is helping coordinate citizen recall efforts of tax-hikers across the State the Michigan Democrat Party is getting into the recall game personally.  

    They're spending donor cash to target House Minority Leader Craig DeRoche.  According to the Associated Press:

    The stated reason on the DeRoche recall petition is that he voted against bills that would make it easier to sue drug companies in Michigan. Dozens of lawmakers voted against those bills.

    A DeRoche spokeswoman says it's the latest effort by Democrats to distract attention from tax increases made at a time families and businesses can least afford them.

    If I were DeRoche I'd RUN on those claims if he ever seeks another go-round in Lansing.  He voted against bills that made it easier for ambulance chasing dial-a-lawyers to bankrupt Michigan's growing life science industry?  God bless him!  And thank you!

    We're talking about protecting tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in the local economy.  The jobs of tomorrow or the blood-sucking lawyers?  Who do you think the voters are going to side with.

    But DeRoche's spokeswoman is right.  This isn't a serious effort based on principal.  It's a serious effort based on political gamesmanship and an attempt to get even.  Mark Brewer breeds them vindictive over at MDP.  If my caucus had just foisted a $2.4 billion tax hike on struggling moms and dads across the State I'd try to change the subject too.

    < What's going on with the limited government movement? | Tuesday in the Sphere, January 29 >

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    Economics (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Ed Burley on Tue Jan 29, 2008 at 10:25:35 AM EST
    Herein lies the basic problem with politics as usual. Usually, our politicians are lawyers. Infrequently, we get folks like DeVos or Romney who are/were businesspeople. Sometimes, we get medical doctors (Paul and Frist), who should know the evils of government interference in the economy (unfortunately, Frist forgot). I've never seen an economist nominated for public office, Steve Forbes was the closest thing (if he indeed knows much of anything).

    The problem is that lawyers don't understand economics. If they did, they wouldn't be politicians, because they could make all kinds of money in financial law. Our lawyers/politicians muck with the economy, thinking that they actually know what they are doing...and so, we have the sad state of affairs we have.

    A citizen legislature would go a long way in helping to solve this problem. However, if we just fill it up with lawyers and union guys, we'll be in the same spot.

    Wow... (none / 0) (#2)
    by rdww on Tue Jan 29, 2008 at 10:39:56 AM EST
    Jenny as the next Janet Reno... Jenny on the Supreme Court.  Glad you posted this "what if" in the morning, Nick -- if I'd read it just before going to bed, I'd have nightmares.

    • The guv as reno? by KG One, 01/29/2008 12:32:21 PM EST (none / 0)
      • Why not? by Nick, 01/29/2008 01:01:01 PM EST (none / 0)
    Economists in Government (none / 0) (#3)
    by Rougman on Tue Jan 29, 2008 at 11:44:10 AM EST
    Phil Graham and Dick Armey (from my old district) were both economists.

    Oddly enough, both were strict conservatives.  

    • yes... by Ed Burley, 01/29/2008 12:03:18 PM EST (none / 0)
    Point taken. (none / 0) (#7)
    by KG One on Tue Jan 29, 2008 at 01:35:04 PM EST

    blown away (none / 0) (#8)
    by goppartyreptile on Tue Jan 29, 2008 at 03:34:26 PM EST
    The first gentleman said on the radio in response to a caller yesterday that someday this state will be "blown away".

    And I agree with him.  Two or three governors from now, when the economy is doing well, Democrats will say it's because of Granholm.

    Just like how it was really Truman that won the cold war.

    Dick Armey at Hillsdale (none / 0) (#10)
    by gnu2u on Tue Jan 29, 2008 at 08:53:18 PM EST
    Dick Armey just spoke at Hillsdale College as part of the CCA series.  Wish I could have been there...

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