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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Ron Paul's Ugly Newsletters

    By Angry White Male, Section News
    Posted on Sat Jan 26, 2008 at 11:07:52 AM EST
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    David Boaz pulls no punches in a fair critique of Ron Paul's ugly newsletters, and his reaction to their exposure in the New Republic. Here's what jumped out at me:

    "Those words are not libertarian words. Maybe they reflect 'paleoconservative' ideas, though they're not the language of Burke or even Kirk. Libertarians should make it clear that the people who wrote those things are not our comrades, not part of our movement, not part of the tradition of John Locke, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Ludwig von Mises, F. A. Hayek, Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman, and Robert Nozick." (emphasis added)

    Burke and Kirk are two names that should be heard more as waves of primitive nativism sweep through the conservative movement (as opposed to the libertarian one). "Police your movement" Bill Buckley famously ordered. More deputies are needed with warrants that read, "That's not the language of Burke or even Kirk."

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    Really? (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Sat Jan 26, 2008 at 11:39:43 AM EST
    What gets me after reading article after article  (including blurbs on the cable news channels) pertaining to these newsletters, is this:

    Ron Paul says he didn't write these newsletters, and I take him at his word. They don't sound like him. In my infrequent personal encounters and in his public appearances, I've never heard him say anything racist or homophobic (halting and uncomfortable on gay issues, like a lot of 72-year-old conservatives, but not hateful).

    Rep. Paul didn't write them. Do you want me to translate this into something else besides english to make comprehension easier?

    With what is available today, such as graphic and work processing applications, I can go out and publish "newsletters" from anyone I want, saying anything I want.

    If I wanted to, I can create a paper trail from dillon to Bishop to granholm, on "official" looking letterhead, spelling out how to raise taxes last year and get away with it.

    The thing is, they aren't real. They were never real. They never will be real.

    And it saddens me to see the level of gullibility displayed by people who should know better than to take something as flimsy as this at face value and run with it as if it were the truth.

    Come back with a video file or audio clip to the contrary, then we'll talk.

    Until that time, I file stories like this away with UFO's, Bigfoot, Chubracabra, Nain Rouge, Ghosts and Atlantis.

    Don't stop there, KG One (none / 0) (#2)
    by Angry White Male on Sat Jan 26, 2008 at 12:26:16 PM EST
    Let's also post the next few lines of Boaz:

    'But he selected the people who did write those things, and he put his name on the otherwise unsigned newsletters, and he raised campaign funds from the mailing list that those newsletters created. And he would have us believe that things that "do not represent what I believe or have ever believed" appeared in his newsletter for years and years without his knowledge. Assuming Ron Paul in fact did not write those letters, people close to him did. His associates conceived, wrote, edited, and mailed those words. His closest associates over many years know who created those publications. If they truly admire Ron Paul, if they think he is being unfairly tarnished with words he did not write, they should come forward, take responsibility for their words, and explain how they kept Ron Paul in the dark for years about the words that appeared every month in newsletters with "Ron Paul" in the title.

    "Paul says he didn't write the letters, that he denounces the words that appeared in them, that he was unaware for decades of what 100,000 people were receiving every month from him. That's an odd claim on which to run for president: I didn't know what my closest associates were doing over my signature, so give me responsibility for the federal government."

    Why not take it directly from the horse's mouth? (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Sat Jan 26, 2008 at 12:46:29 PM EST
    Paul told CNN's "The Situation Room" Thursday that he didn't write any of the offensive articles and has "no idea" who did.

    And it's not odd (as you claim) when you read further below in the same article:

      Paul said he had never even read the articles with the racist comments.  

    "I do repudiate everything that is written along those lines," he said, adding he wanted to "make sure everybody knew where I stood on this position because it's obviously wrong."

    I'm calling BS... (none / 0) (#5)
    by rdww on Sat Jan 26, 2008 at 04:44:26 PM EST
    ... on this whole thread.


    Note how cyncial partisans keep telling us how "hateful" Ron Paul's newsletters are without actually quoting any of them.  Read the material in context, and you realize how sane and reasonable it is to anyone except a dishonest liberal or even more dishonest Republican.  Black American culture has become self-destructive and pathological - who knew?
    If Dave Boaz has an ax to grind with RP, that's his business.  When he perpetrates propagandistic fraud, it becomes all of our business.

    why (none / 0) (#7)
    by prattleon on Sat Jan 26, 2008 at 06:59:07 PM EST
    why do people continue to bring this up?  it has been beaten to death.  this very well written article written by an openly homosexual journalist sheds light on the situation.  he, unlike the author  at the new republic, uses sources and puts the quotes back into perspective.  anyone who is tempted to tout this smear, owes it to themselves to read this first.  the only complaint I have is the undeserved attack on Reason.  

    Ron Paul has always held the view that racism is entirely inconsistent with libertarianism.  this is nothing new.

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