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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Bring the Conservative movement to a campus near you!

    By Dave Drwencke, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 04, 2007 at 01:18:30 PM EST
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    Nothing is more frustrating to young conservatives then going back to their liberal campuses. However, there is an organization that will help change this problem!

    The organization is the Leadership Institute (LI).

    I am the West/North Michigan Field Director for LI and I am here to help! What can I do for college students?

    I can help by organizing training events (most of which are free or next to free), I offer funds for speakers and books/dvd's to broaden your knowledge base.

    What do you need to do to receive all of these great benefits and aid? Simply drop me a line and I will be more then willing to help!

    Here is my contact info:
    Dave Drwencke
    E-mail: ddrwencke@limail.us
    Phone: 586-929-2448
    AIM: ndigdave

    Together we can bring a Conservative Revolution to college campuses!

    < Gagne declines special interest endorsements | 1,000 more jobs leaving Michigan while Clinton, Obama and Edwards turn a blind eye >

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    Great to see (none / 0) (#1)
    by Nick on Tue Sep 04, 2007 at 01:23:40 PM EST
    folks getting ready to carry the message on campus this fall.  

    Between LI and Amanda out at GVSU I think campus Conservatives are already pretty well represented.

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