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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Letter from Department Heads...

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 28, 2007 at 03:12:33 PM EST
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    I'm sure all employees are receiving similar information...

    At 4 p.m. yesterday, Governor Granholm issued an executive directive to me and other members of the Cabinet who manage the departments of state government, instructing us to begin taking the steps necessary to shut down all non-essential state government operations at midnight this Sunday, September 30, when our new fiscal year begins.

    The Constitution is clear.  Without a balanced budget in place, state government cannot operate.  And, while the governor remains hopeful that productive negotiations already underway will head off this government shutdown before Monday, we have no choice but to move forward absent action by the state Legislature on a comprehensive solution.  

    Due to an unanticipated loss of funding as a result of the state's current budget crisis, I am notifying you that you are being placed on a temporary layoff consistent with the provisions of your applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement and/or Civil Service Rules, commencing at 12:01 a.m. on October 1, 2007.  Do not report to work beginning on Monday, October 1, 2007, unless otherwise notified.  For additional information go to  www.michigan.gov/mdcs .  

    The term of this temporary layoff may be modified.  If so, you will be notified.

    While the first steps to a government shutdown are now being taken, the governor continues to work around the clock to reach an agreement on a comprehensive solution that will prevent massive cuts to public safety, health care, and education.  When an agreement is reached, the Executive Office will notify news organizations, post a notice on www.michigan.gov, and update a special hotline for state employees (1-866-520-6424) to keep you updated on the budget crisis.  I encourage you to monitor them since if and when an agreement is reached, you will be expected to report at your next scheduled shift.  

    I know these have been trying and uncertain times for you and all of us who serve the public in state government.  It is my hope that this uncertainty will come to a quick resolution with state lawmakers joining with the governor in a resolution of the state's budget crisis.

    < NO WORK for State Employees... | Unemployment will be allowed for SOME Employees... >

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