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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    BREAKING NEWS: Go to work on Monday.

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Fri Sep 28, 2007 at 10:47:15 AM EST
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    I just got off the phone with MSEA, and although the 30-day notice was defeated...

    The 14-day notice is still in effect.  Civil Service is supposed to, by contract, give the unions a 30-day notice of potential layoffs, and in turn, employees are to receive a 14-day notice.

    While the union time limit was defeated, the employee one was not.

    So, any employee, any department, any union, are to report for work on Monday!

    Great Victory!

    Will keep you updated.

    < Granholm Press Conference Today + Latest Directive | Update:Compromise Near...Tax Rate to go to 4.4% >

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    Edit - fingers going to fast... (none / 0) (#1)
    by DanaP on Fri Sep 28, 2007 at 11:25:50 AM EST
    EDITED:  I got type happy, sorry!  To clarify, this morning, the OSE (Office of State Employer) met to try and change the rule that stipulates union's have to be given a 30day notice of layoff.  Essentially, what they wanted was to be able to layoff state employee for up to 20 days without any notice.  The 30 day rule is still in place.

    Now, what remains to be seen is if the state will just shut her doors, anyway, however, with the ruling in tact, if they do layoff employees without notice, it leaves the door wide open to grievances and lawsuits.

    WZZM is also reporting on this here:  http://www.wzzm13.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=81551

    NERES? (none / 0) (#2)
    by Shell on Fri Sep 28, 2007 at 01:13:11 PM EST
    If you've got direct workers -- the ones who have face-time with the public -- that are unionized still on the job, that might disqualify layoffs for management.  I'm not sure what level is mandated by the feds in order to keep compliant for funding.  (sigh) More non-answers.

    The Conservatrarian

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