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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    WILX Reporting that Shutdown could come as early as Friday.

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Wed Sep 26, 2007 at 04:32:43 PM EST
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    In an effort to further the fear factor already gripping the workforce of this great state, it seems as if the Granholm Administration is getting the media to spread the good news.

    WILX is reporting that government operations will begin to cease operation as early as Friday.  I'm just curious how many grievances are going to come out of this one since the Civil Service hasn't even met yet to try and change that whole 30-day notice clause.

    Either way, I'm not worried.  Really.  Our income is state derived, and sure, its going to pinch us, but I say the heck with them.  If they want to play this game, then I'm going on the offensive, not defensive.  We have plenty of projects to do around here, anyway.

    And, that brings me to another point.  They want to shut down government services, which is essentially going to hurt our citizens.  So, as citizens, how about we stop the income from coming into the state?  Start buying your cigarettes from the reservations - they can't enforce the sales tax because THEY AREN'T WORKING!

    Don't pay your gas tax.

    Geez - what else?  Oh!  Sales Tax - refuse to pay it at the stores - no one is in Lansing to collect on it anyway!

    Seriously, if only we could get everyone mobilized to actually do this!  Business owners, merchants, consumers...  I wonder how "blown away" Aunt Jenny would be on that one?

    < House Democrats to force shutdown unless House Democrats support tax hike... wait, what? | MI Cities to Participate in the On-going National "40 Days for Life" Campaign this Fall >

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