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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    CODE YELLOW: Have you seen these Democrats?

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Sep 17, 2007 at 06:44:56 AM EST
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    Monday morning finds the House of Representatives exactly where it was Friday afternoon.  At an impasse.  But contrary to what Speaker Andy Dillon and his friends in Democrat leadership would have you believe it isn't the Republicans who are holding up the proceedings.  

    As one hour melted quietly into the next during the weekend one thing remained as constant as the general boredom on the House floor.  Ten Democrats were consistently present in and around the chamber but failed to register a vote on the $1.2 billion House Democrat tax hike.  Not a YES vote.  Not a NO vote.  They just plain never voted.  An act of cowardice?  Political calculation?  Mass alien-abduction?



    Rep. Terry Brown (D-Pigeon), Rep. Barb Byrum (D-Onondaga), Rep. Marc Corriveau (D-Northville), Rep. Robert Dean (D-Grand Rapids), Rep. Kate Ebli (D-Monroe), Rep. Martin Griffin (D-Jackson), Rep. Mike Simpson (D-Liberty Twp.), Rep. Dudley Spade (D-Franklin Twp.), Rep. Mary Valentine (D-Muskegon) and Rep. Lisa Wojno (D-Warren) have all gone missing.

    Read on...

    With 48 Democrats voting in favor of the job-killing income tax spike the majority party needs only eight more votes for passage.  That's eight of the ten members who refuse to vote.  While Dillon insists he's holding out for Republican votes all in the name of that coveted "bipartisan" label there's been no assurance that the ten members not currently voting would then vote YES on the Democrat scheme.

    In other words, he's not driving for bipartisanship... he's pushing hard to give his vulnerable caucus members a pass and an excuse to vote NO.  He knows that a vote to raise taxes is a vote to kill jobs and drive families away and he knows that a state with a  7.2% unemployment rate and more moving vans leaving the state than entering it can hardly afford to do either.  

    So why sacrifice your own soldiers when you can sacrifice someone else's?  

    Make no mistake, Speaker Dillon is playing at nothing but partisan political games.  

    And what of our missing Representatives?  While they sit idly on the sidelines there are nearly one-million Michigan residents who find themselves without a voice in Lansing.  They've failed to do their jobs, abdicated their responsibilities and put partisan politics above public service.  

    That's the great un-told story of the weekend.    

    Not surprisingly none of the members have made much of a peep with the mainstream press, either.  Which makes a guy wonder... are they even on the clock at all?  Because I'm certain our friends in the MSM would love to speak with each of them... they're the power players in this.  They're the decision makers.  They hold all the cards.  Every Republican and 48 Democrats have done their jobs, one way or the other.  But ten State Reps remain MIA.  

    So if you've seen Rep. Terry Brown, Rep. Barb Byrum, Rep. Marc Corriveau, Rep. Robert Dean, Rep. Kate Ebli, Rep. Martin Griffin, Rep. Mike Simpson, Rep. Dudley Spade, Rep. Mary Valentine or Rep. Lisa Wojno please contact your local newspaper or TV station.  They've gone missing in the middle of a critical vote and owe their constituents an explanation.

    < Tax Hostage Crisis - Day 3 | Copy of Shinkle Letter to Republican Legislators >

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    This is the great untold story (none / 0) (#1)
    by mipt on Mon Sep 17, 2007 at 06:52:15 AM EST
    and our friends on the left are flatly refusing to aknowledge this, instead focussing on the partisan nature of the Republicans who are firmly standing their ground.  
    The funny part is that if I were a Republican rep. being pounded to change my vote, these 11 would make me so damn mad, there is no way I would jump.  

    Jackson Opinion (none / 0) (#2)
    by Shell on Mon Sep 17, 2007 at 07:23:02 AM EST
    I'm going to see if I can pull in WKHM today -- I'm pretty rural and the steel frame of my house tends to keep out radio signals -- and see what Jackson is saying today regarding Simpson's cowardly behavior.  

    I sent a bunch of thank-you emails yesterday, but I think it's time for a call to Simpson.  Deaf ears but maybe there are others hammering him...deservedly.

    The Conservatrarian

    It's so Transparent (none / 0) (#3)
    by DMOnline on Mon Sep 17, 2007 at 08:30:27 AM EST
    It is so transparent what these Democrat cowards (redundant, I know) are up to.  If they get just one Republican to flip their vote to "yes", the Dems will trumpet bi-partisanship and hope to muddy the waters in the minds of the electorate as to who made the tax hike possible.

    Stand strong, Republicans!  Don't give an inch.  Stand on principle and balance this budget by not spending more than you're presently bringing in - not by confiscating still more of our hard-earned income.

    What is it with these Democrat economists??  Do they really believe the sun rises and sets on state government spending?  Do they really think they can tax and spend us into prosperity?  Do they really believe they can lift us out of our single-state recession by hiking our tax burden even higher?  When it comes to tax burdens, the state of Michigan is already one of the most oppressive in the country.  

    Or is their top priority simply unchecked spending sprees - to hell with the state's economy.  As ridiculous as that may sound, the economic policies of the governor and her party to date have shown very little understanding of what makes an economy expand.

    So it would appear the Democrats aren't satisfied with our state having the highest unemployment rate in the nation.  No, they're going for the highest taxation rates too.  Brilliant.  Just brilliant.

    Hang tough, Republicans!  Don't give an inch!


    Women & Children Hardest Hit (none / 0) (#4)
    by Shell on Mon Sep 17, 2007 at 09:01:40 AM EST
    I don't know if anyone else caught this, but there's an interesting stat in the sidebar of a Detroit Free Press article this morning:

    If you scroll down to the right, you'll see two examples of what an income tax hike to 4.6 will mean for families.  The surprise is that a family of four will pay less than a single mom with two kids!  

    A couple with two minor children will see the following increase:

    $25,000: $87
    $50,000: $262
    $100,000: $612
    $250,000: $1,662

    A single mom of two minor children gets to pay:

    $25,000: $110
    $50,000: $285
    $100,000: $635
    $250,000: $1,685

    The difference isn't much, but with rising costs in Michigan it still hurts.

    The Conservatrarian

    I'm totally surprised that Wonjo (none / 0) (#5)
    by snoopygirlmi on Mon Sep 17, 2007 at 06:24:34 PM EST
    is on the list because her district is South Warren, which is known for being heavily democrat.  Her competition last year was a name on the ballot.  She could get away with voting for the tax increase.  There really is not excuse for her not being there.  

    Also, Byrum is a bit of a surprise because I thought she represented parts of Lansing/East Lansing.  Not exactly known for being super conservative.

    If you believe it's the right thing to do, then you should have the conviction to vote for it.  

    Wojno's got a good reason to vote NO (none / 0) (#6)
    by Nick on Mon Sep 17, 2007 at 07:02:18 PM EST
    Her husand is running for the Warren City Council.  She doesn't want to slap one of the biggest tax-hikes in the history of the state on her hubby's shoulders as he campaigns across the city.

    Byrum's district is 50/50 (none / 0) (#7)
    by Republican Michigander on Mon Sep 17, 2007 at 08:09:41 PM EST
    I believe it voted for Gore and Bush.

    It doesn't cover any part of East Lansing or Meridian Township (Okemos/Haslett). It only has about 1/4 of Lansing (mostly South of Jolly Road). It has all the rural areas (strong republican), as well as the City of Williamson (slightly republican), Mason, and Holt/Delhi Twp (Swing areas).

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