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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Sloppy Egotistical Drunk Alert: Mike Sak (D, The Nearest Bar) is back in the news!

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 10:31:37 AM EST
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    Lansing insider publication MIRS revealed last night the contents of a memo indicating Grand Rapids own Democrat Representative Mike Sak isn't just a sloppy drunk, he might also be one of the most arrogant men in the state of Michigan.

    Turns out the Speaker Pro Tem and open tax-hike advocate was enjoying a nice weekend up in Traverse City during the National Governors Association conference in July.  Wait, didn't all the Democrats tell us time and time again that that conference was for official business?  Ah, nevermind.  Where was I?  Oh, right...

    So he's up at the NGA and the guy gets hammered.  No sweat.  People get hammered every day.  But what hammered people DON'T do every day is go out of their way to illustrate to uniformed police officers precisely how hammered they are, ask permission to break the law and then imply to the uniformed police officers that if they don't give them a ride home something bad might happen the next time the state's divvying up appropriations funding.

    According to MIRS:

    "(Sak) walked up to a SUV and opened the front passenger door," the report reads. "He turned toward me and asked if it was alright for him to get in the vehicle. He held the glass up in a manner to show he was referring to getting in a vehicle with an open intoxicant. . I told him I was not going to leave my spot. He then laughed and got into the vehicle and left the area."

    After about an hour or two, Sak came back and appeared to the officer to be intoxicated. Sak struck up a conversation with the officer and identified him as "a Democratic state representative in charge of appropriations." Of course, Sak is a member of the committee, but not the chair.

    Sak then told the officer that, "He was responsible for saving my job along with all the other 29 troopers that were supposed to be laid off. He stated I was to give him a ride home," according to the memo.

    And it didn't end there.  Sak continued to berate the Michigan State Police Trooper demanding to be personally chauffeured until the trooper was relieved from his post.  

    Oh, and for the record, those 29 troopers Sak claims to have saved?  Yeah, on Sak's watch those troopers were going to lose their jobs until the union GAVE the state $400,000!  

    Stories about Mike Sak being completely blitzed and out of his mind are about a dime a dozen around the Capitol.  They're nothing new.  But wow, what an ego.  I guess it should have been a dead giveaway when he continually insists on being called "The Polish Prince."

    And it's not new for a Democrat to insist that all good things come from the government.  That's the fundamental disagreement in philosophy between the right and the left.  Liberals believe the government has to give you things.  Conservatives think the government has to provide an environment where you can earn things on your own.  But this is taking it a step further.

    Makes you wonder what's next?  Get another couple pops in the guy and he'll tell you he's the Representative in charge of combining hydrogen and oxygen to produce water.

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    LOVE the photo!!!! (none / 0) (#1)
    by Lunchbucket on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 11:25:45 AM EST
    It would have been better (at least more entertaining) if Sak said instead "Wow, I don't remember doing that; I was really hammered."

    Make him a star (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rghlive on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 11:32:23 AM EST

    Maybe it's time to help Sak launch his movie career .... let's hold a "You Tube contest" to see who can come up with the best video of his behavior.

    Wow! (none / 0) (#3)
    by LX on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 12:12:21 PM EST
    This is as bazaar as Governor Jennifer Granholm's appointment of Ismael Ahmed, Director of the Arabic Community Center for Economic and Social Services, to head the state Department of Human Services.

    Under Ahmed's leadership at ACCESS, it paid for commercial driving lessons and attempts at hazardous material hauling certificates for two men convicted as part of the Detroit Al-Qaeda sleeper cell. Testimony at their trial revealed that the men planned to bomb the MGM Grand Casino and a host of other prominent US sites.

    More chilling is that since ACCESS' multi-million dollar budget is largely tax-funded, tax dollars likely paid for these men to get their "job training" organized by ACCESS. When confronted with this, Ahmed made no apologies. On the contrary, he was defiant in defending his organization's aid to the Qaeda sleepers, comparing their membership in the terrorist group to mere "political credential," such as Democrat or Republican.

    In 2002, ACCESS sponsored and funded the Second Annual Palestinian Students Divestment Conference at the University of Michigan. The conference's keynote speaker was Sami Al-Arian, the now-indicted, alleged leader of the Islamic Jihad terrorist group. His activities were well known at the time, including letters stating that "the merger with the brothers in Hamas" was almost complete and bragging of a successful bus-bombing in Israel. Other conference speakers included assorted anti-Semites and anti-Westerners who had previously exhorted violence against and murder of Jews.

    When confronted on ACCESS' sponsorship of this conference, Ahmed - whose agency provides tax-funded "sensitivity training"-- told a reporter that it was a cultural activity for Arabic children in the area.

    Ahmed apparently thinks that donating to terrorist groups is also a "cultural activity." He opposed the Clinton Counter-terrorism package of 1996, because it prohibited donations to terrorist groups, including Hezbollah and Hamas. Ahmed told a Detroit paper of the difficulty finding Arab-Americans who did not give to these groups.

    Give Ahmed credit for his honesty - for once. He has been less than truthful about his own background. For example, he has bragged in writings and to reporters of his "tours" and "hitches" in Vietnam and claimed that he is a "Vietnam Veteran."

    While Ahmed did serve in the U.S. Army, any time he spent in Vietnam was as a tourist. While Ahmed was briefly in Korea, military records show that most of his military career was spent stateside at Fort Knox. "Records do not indicate veteran served in Vietnam," wrote Scott Levins, Assistant Director for Military Records at the National Personnel Records Center.

    Then there is Ahmed's reason for founding ACCESS. The organization claims it exists to help Americans of all sorts get social service help. However, in an old newspaper interview, Ahmed admits he founded ACCESS "as an advocacy group" while campaigning to persuade auto unions to divest their Israeli bond portfolios.

    Since then, Ahmed has used ACCESS to shake down corporations and government, much the same way Jesse Jackson has for Operation PUSH and the Rainbow Coalition. What a coincidence: Ismael Ahmed ran one of Jackson's successful wins of the Michigan Democratic Primary in the 1980s. Ahmed continues to shower Jackson with accolades, including keynote speeches at ACCESS' annual banquet. "Unfortunately," he recently wrote, "Americans had not listened to Jessie Jackson's election warning to `Stay out of the Bushes.' "

    However, despite the dig, Democrats are not alone in pandering to Ismael Ahmed and ACCESS. In fall 2002, President Bush went out of his way to recognize ACCESS, citing it and an Americorps volunteer who worked for the agency, in a speech at a Detroit area public school. Thereafter, Bush sent then-Americorps chief, Leslie Lenkowsky, to shower ACCESS with a multi-million dollar Arab Americorps program.

    While Americorps volunteers typically help build Habitat for Humanity homes for the poor and help underprivileged kids learn to read, Ismael Ahmed's Americorps program is political. He sends volunteers to work for the Arab-American Institute, a Saudi-funded lobbying group headed by Democratic advisor James Zogby - all at taxpayer expense.

    After 9/11, ACCESS campaigned against universities cooperating with federal agents to find foreign students linked to terrorism. In 2002, ACCESS was raided by federal agents in a Medicaid fraud investigation. A television report and several newspaper articles said ACCESS was involved in helping foreign Arabic women fraudulently obtain Medicaid to have their babies here in the United States.

    Granholm knows a lot about this because she was Michigan Attorney General in December 2002, when agents of her office and the FBI raided ACCESS in connection with a Medicaid fraud investigation her office oversaw. That is why it was strange when she hired her friend, Ahmed, to Co-Chair her Gubernatorial Transition Team, since she knew of Ahmed's organizations involvement in this scam.

    Make no mistake. Michigan's top Republicans are not clean in this either. Current Michigan Attorney General and Republican Mike Cox carefully waited until Muslim women defrauding Medicaid left the country before he issued bench warrants for their arrest. He did that, so he would never actually have to arrest them, interview them, and go after ACCESS and the other malefactors involved in this. What is worse, Cox issued the warrants, despite Justice Department requests not to, tipping off targets.

    He is as culpable as Granholm in the wholesale giveaway of U.S. citizenship and tax-paid Medicaid dollars in Michigan.

    There also is not a single mention of the fact that Ahmed's agency was raided this year for immigration fraud.

    John Garfield (none / 0) (#4)
    by Communications Guru on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 12:14:14 PM EST
    This bit of gossip really came from a real newspaper/news source and not the National Enquirer? What's the point of this post, other than you don't like Democrats. There has to be more to this? Unfortunately, I only subscribe to Gongwer. But we know this was the worst of it that you included. You're selective like that. He should have just drove drunk.

    Two words for ya: John Garfield. Funny, I don't see a mention of him here anywhere, even when the charges were thrown out on a technicality. Kind of sounds like Troopergate doesn't it? Oh wait, that was made up too.

    Take your sheet off (none / 0) (#5)
    by Communications Guru on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 12:22:35 PM EST
    Are you the Ann Coulter wannabe Jack Lessenberry writes about that "launched a vicious smear campaign when the Democrats nominated him for a seat on the U of M's board of trustees?" (http://jackshow.blogs.com/jack/2007/08/essay-truly-ame.html

    Yard signs? (none / 0) (#6)
    by Rghlive on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 12:29:40 PM EST
    Is it too early to order my "Sack Sak" yard sign?

    Drunken dem (none / 0) (#7)
    by Brokeinmacomb on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 12:35:28 PM EST
    C'mon...Im suprised to even see this. Hes not a catholic priest or a republican..wont catch this on the news i guess.

    We talked about Garfield... (5.00 / 1) (#9)
    by Nick on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 01:01:40 PM EST

    And note, when Garfield got busted Republicans didn't just criticize him, they tried to get him kicked off each of his committees.

    The Dems won't even bat an eye at this sort of behavior.

    It's funny, too, that someone would say "what about Garfield?" without simultaneously condemning Sak for his public intoxication and hubris.

    What ABOUT Garfield?  If what Sak did doesn't bug you why does Garfield's behavior?

    Try consistency.  It really feels good once you get used to it.

    NOT a bit surprised you only subscribe to Gongwer, though.

    Get real (none / 0) (#10)
    by Communications Guru on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 01:14:01 PM EST
    That was your all you wrote about Garfield and you're giving me crap? What BS. John Garfield broke the law and put other people in danger, Sak did neither. I don't get the crack about Gongwer. I think it's the more professional publication, and I had to make a choice.

    GR Press (5.00 / 1) (#12)
    by HouseStaffer on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 02:09:21 PM EST
    The GR Press story on this is even better.  Highlights include Sak almost falling into a bed of flowers, running into the side of a bus, and getting hit by the bus door as the driver tried to see what was going on.


    It Doesn't Matter... (none / 0) (#13)
    by Republican Yankee on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 02:17:41 PM EST
    Don't give me the John Garfield stuff.  I'm not defending him and either is anybody else.  In fact I think Craig DeRoche even tried to remove him from a committee.  Who stopped that one from going through?

    The point is, Mike Sak is an ass.  Pure and simple.  I'm sure too that if this was a Republican who had done this Guru wouldn't be scratching his head as to Michigan Liberal posted it.  GET REAL!

    Being too hard on Sak (none / 0) (#14)
    by Rghlive on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 02:47:02 PM EST
    I think we need to reconsider our review of Sak's problem with the bottle and maybe put ourselves in his position for a minute. He wakes up every morning and (in addition to the hangovers) has to face the fact that GovJen is the head of his party. Then he has to ponder the dismal track record that he and his fellow Dems have achieved in the State House. Shoot ... intoxification is probably the only way the guy knows to put a positive spin on his life. And on top of everything, everytime he sobers up GovJen and the Dems are still screwing up the State.  

    CG and double standard (none / 0) (#19)
    by PMOTVRWC on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 07:35:47 PM EST
    seem to go hand and hand.

    Ann Coulter, evil witch who spews hate speech.

    Liberal commentators, they have never said anything offensive.  (not a direct quote.)  

    Evil John Garfield, hang the SOB.

    Mike Saks, where's the problem?

    It was a matter of time.... (none / 0) (#21)
    by jackietreehorn on Thu Aug 16, 2007 at 08:27:03 PM EST
    If you've ever seen this guy at the bar you would think this latest incident is nothing.  All I can say is that if you see this guy with a bottle, hide the women and children...

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