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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Egad! Its a karma tornado!

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Jul 27, 2007 at 09:49:20 AM EST
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    This is what the Tick would refer to as a "karma tornado."  (Big blue super hero, dumber than a bag of rocks, nigh invulnerable... it was a comic book and a Fox Kids cartoon years ago.  I'm a geek, sue me.)

    The Detroit News is reporting that the state of Michigan, in it's zeal to collect as much tax revenue from hard working moms and dads as humanly possible has over-reached and wound up accidentally giving Michigan residents a tax break.  How you ask?  Good question.

    Read on...

    A couple years ago the governor had the brilliant idea to try to impose the state's sales tax on goods sold over the internet.  With buyers all over the United States this was obviously a big undertaking and Michigan joined with other states to squeeze as much water out of the stone as possible, but that meant taking a few items off the "taxed" list.  The News says it best:

    Dale Vettel, director of the Treasury's bureau of tax policy, told lawmakers Thursday that Michigan is gaining $8 million to $11 million from about 1,000 retailers that are voluntarily collecting the sales tax in the 22 states that belong to the so-called Streamlined Sales Tax Project.

    But, at the same time, Michigan is losing an estimated $18 million in revenue each year because, to make its tax laws uniform with the other states in the project, it had to stop taxing some items.

    Oh, ouch.  Big dreams of higher tax revenue and it turns right around and bites the governor in the... hand.  Bit her in the hand.  

    Funny, that.  The federal government is taking in more tax revenue than at any time in the history of the United States these days, a direct result of the 2001 tax cuts that ended a recession and kick started a booming national economy.

    Could be that there's a lesson to be learned here.  A lesson not everyone's learned just yet.  The News concludes with the protests of one of the State Senate's mental giants:

    "I don't understand voluntary compliance. Why not a federal mandate? All states must be having the same problem," said Sen. Gilda Jacobs, D-Huntington Woods.

    All states must be having the same problem.  Uh... no, no they're not.  First of all, only 22 states even take part in the program, so 28 states are in the clear right away.  Then there's the whole bit about Michigan having to remove the tax on certain items to conform with what the other states already did.  In other words, they're not losing tax revenue because they never taxed those items in the first place.

    But I appreciate where Gilda's going with her rant.  Crazy liberal voodoo tax policy doesn't work out the way you thought and any economist could have predicted?  Just blame the federal government.  Works for the governor.

    < Lefty FREEP snorting 90% pure? Agrees with House Dems that 'crack isn't dangerous!' | MSU pays 35K for country club memberships?? >

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    Dumber than a box of rocks (none / 0) (#1)
    by sandmman on Fri Jul 27, 2007 at 10:51:03 AM EST
    I thought you were talking about Novi Dumb-o-cRAT, Nick.

    Gilda Jacobs would also fit that description.

    I'm glad Novi Dumb-o-cRAT cleared things up for me in one of his earlier rants - made it clear to me just how lousy those of the dumb-o-cRAT persuasion are.

    yeah, but I say it affectionately (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by Nick on Fri Jul 27, 2007 at 11:05:54 AM EST
    about the Tick.


    A Potential John Kerry Moment... (1.00 / 1) (#3)
    by RightMacomb on Fri Jul 27, 2007 at 12:23:26 PM EST
    In her next State of the Disaterous State Address, she can now claim...

    "I actually cut your taxes when I tried to raise them.  I told you that you would be blown away."

    Hate to say it, but... (5.00 / 2) (#4)
    by leondrolet on Fri Jul 27, 2007 at 12:48:04 PM EST
    The governor who had the brilliant idea to tax internet sales a few years back was Governor Jennif...oops! Nope it was none other than John Engler. State Rep. Bob Gosselin and I beat it back in the House until Granholm took office and signed it into law.

    Engler wasn't just pushing the internet tax in Michigan, but as leader of the National Governors Association, he made it his top national priority to push the tax in every state.

    Engler was in his lousy final, third term (hooray for term limits of two terms for governor) and was pushing for other bad, big-government ideas like an anti-market State Broadband Authority. That new program was widely and rightly criticized by the Wall Street Journal and other conservative organizations. The authority was found to be wasteful and unproductive and was eliminated about two years ago.

    The Engler legacy is a good one, and Engler lead some major conservative reforms in state employee pensions and program eliminations. But it is best that we close our eyes and pretend that his third term just didn't happen.

    no argument here (5.00 / 1) (#5)
    by Nick on Fri Jul 27, 2007 at 01:00:13 PM EST
    Thanks for holding out as long as you could.

    Raising taxes is hard wired... (none / 0) (#6)
    by jrfoleyjr on Tue Jul 31, 2007 at 02:40:58 AM EST
    Every Democrat after JFK was born with the tax and spend gene. He was the last Democrat to understand that lowering taxes raises income to the government and everyone else. To the standard Democrat politician taxing is so automatic that they use it reflexively as a weapon.

    Hmmm... the human genome project has been mapping the human dna. I wonder if there is any money to be made to discover which segment makes a Democrat? Probably closely related to the other ones like the supposed homosexuality gene. They dont want that one discovered though because that gene might be seen as justification for abortion. ;^)

    Hey if the democrat gene is discovered we could eradicate the democrat birth defect with abortion. Maybe there is a justification for abortion after all! Or we could use gene therapy by custom tailoring a virus to eradicate the Democrat gene.

    Hmmm... lotsa avenues of research!

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