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    Congressman Walberg Amendment for DOT funds distribution "without regard" to race passes

    By chetly, Section News
    Posted on Wed Jul 25, 2007 at 06:35:01 PM EST
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    Cross-posted at Power, Politics, & Money title=Congressman Mark Walberg introduced an amendment to Department of Transportation appropriations bill last night that insured the funds were to be distributed "without regard to race".  Below is the full text of Ward Connerly's American Civil Rights Institute's press release praising him on the matter.

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jennifer Bollenbach July 25, 2007                                                             Phone: (916) 261-3612

    Congress passes amendment ending race preferences in federal contracting Connerly praises Congressman Walberg's leadership to pass this historic bill

    In a stunning move Congress finally showed that, at least on the issues of fairness and equality, they are in touch with the will of the people.  Last night, Congressman Tim Walberg (R-Michigan) introduced an amendment to the department of transportation's appropriations bill that would eliminate funding for programs that give preference based on race, sex, or ethnicity.  The amendment, which passed the house, simply stated:

    An amendment to prohibit the use of funds be used by the Department of Transportation to promulgate regulations based on race, ethnicity, or sex.

    Ward Connerly, chairman of the American Civil Rights Institute, praised Congressman Walberg for his dedication to equal treatment for all Americans, "Congressman Walberg was one of the few politicians in Michigan who stood on principal during last year's campaign for the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative," Connerly continued "and he deserves much praise for his leadership in carrying the will of the people of Michigan to the entire nation."

    This bill should serve as a reminder that when President Kennedy first introduced affirmative action he stated that affirmative action should be taken to guarantee that all people are treated without regard to race.  Unfortunately, over time many government institutions have flipped this directive on its head and have been awarding contracts with regard to race.  Connerly stated, "There is nothing positive, affirmative, or equal about `affirmative action' programs that give preference to some groups based on race."  Connerly continued, "Notably, when given the chance the American people have voted to end race preferences.  Finally congress has listened to the American people and has taken a major step in recognizing the true-promise of the 1964 Civil Rights Act - colorblind government."

    It goes without saying that the move deserves to be praised.  It's surprising it passed, but it demonstrates the strength of the issue even for Democratic lawmakers.  It's be interesting to watch this travel through the US Senate, with Presidential candidates abounding.

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