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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    I think I need new glasses

    By gnu2u, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jul 12, 2007 at 04:18:31 PM EST
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    The Detroit News is reporting that the Governor is planning to take 6 to 25 people with her on her Germany junket.  A quick check of Orbitz shows the following prices:

    Detroit to Berlin, round trip, 14 day advance purchase, non stop, first class (Can't expect two penny Jenny to fly steerage like the rest of us mere plebes, can you?):  $12,367.  All six of her advisors:  74k in airfare alone.  

    business class: $3,783 per person, one stop

    coach:  $1,819 per person, one stop.  

    Everyone in first class:  26 x 11,000 = $286,000

    Everyone in Business class:  26 x 3,783 = 98,358

    Everyone in Coach:  26 x 1819:  47,294.

    That's just airfare.  I'm sure they're not staying at Motel 6 and eating at McDonalds.  I'd like to see what the rest of that tab will be.  Does anyone know the total cost of the last trip to Japan?  Is that information FOIA-ble?

    BTW, Granholm has never stopped in the town where my business is located.  Ever.  


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