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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Loud as a Whisper

    By amanda zaluckyj, Section News
    Posted on Tue May 15, 2007 at 11:46:15 AM EST
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    "You aren't going to balance the budget with a 2-cent tax on bald-headed men getting hair¬cuts," announced the former senator, Harry Gast.

    Well, it is about darn time someone said it.

    Gast has done more than criticize, he has offered his own suggestions. He proposes making some major structural changes in the state.  For starters he would redo the catastrophic fund, which effects car insurance. He would also dump MESSA, which is a suspicious third party dealer in the MEA's health insurance contracts(HP).

    During his term, Gast chaired the Senate Appropriations Committee for a mere 19 years.

    So why aren't our elected officials in Lansing taking into consideration ideas and suggestions from those who know something about the topic? From important business leaders, economists, and the guy that chaired the appropriations committee for 19 years.

    What are we listening to instead? The Governor's threats and temper tantrums (I know, again, but I can't help it...). Do you remember the proposal about taxing candy from a vending machine, but not candy from the convenience store? Click here if you blocked the memory.

    Whether one agrees or disagrees with Harry Gast is not the issue. The point is, it's May and we still do not have an answer from Lansing on how they plan to come up with $700 million for this fiscal year and nearly $1 billion for next year. How much longer do we have to wait?

    The worst part is there seems to be a shortage of good ideas in Lansing, but not because they don't exist. Apparently, no one wants to listen to them. This is not a topic that should be taken lightly. We must take a serious look at what can be done to fix our state's problems. Meanwhile, we're being inundated with some pretty absurd suggestions, such as adding more tax burden to a struggling economy.  It's as if our politicians in Lansing do not realize the gravity of the situation.

    < On studies, reforms and the governor trying to find her way in a scary world | ZR's Stunning Interview of Poverty Center Director on YAF - "hate-group" status at MSU >

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    Regarding MESSA (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by jackietreehorn on Tue May 15, 2007 at 12:58:12 PM EST
    The Senate Republicans have introduced bills to mitigate this issue.

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