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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Timeline to corruption

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Apr 27, 2007 at 10:08:16 AM EST
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    March, 2007--

    Michigan House Speaker Andy Dillon, D-Redford Township, Rep. Matthew Gillard, D-Alpena and Rep. Tim Melton, D-Pontiac fly to California at the expense of Apple, makers of the now world famous iPod.

    March 22, 2007--

    House Majority Leader Steve Tobocman tells the world:

    "We are beginning a new era in the Michigan House of Representatives by holding our members to the highest ethical standards. The people of Michigan have spoken loud and clear. They refuse to tolerate a culture of corruption. House Democrats respect what our residents have to say, and we responded to it by strengthening our ethics policies in the House."

    March 29, 2007--

    Just back from his junket out west (which included lobbying from Apple and a tour of California wine country) Andy Dillon reveals his intention to grant DTE and Consumers Energy a monopoly of Michigan's utility industry.  

    You can read original coverage of the radical monopolization plan at the FREEP and here on Right Michigan.

    April 5, 2007--

    House Democrats unveil their budget "vision" including the hope of putting an iPod in the hands of every school kid in Michigan.  You can read the original DetNews coverage (pre iPod furor) here.

    April 6, 2007--

    House Dems realize their iPod vision is getting them in trouble.  Thing's start spinning out of control as the DetNews asks "Are they !#$!ing idiots?"

    April 11, 2007--

    The DetNews reports DTE CEO Anthony Early testifies before the House Energy and Technology Committee in favor of Dillon's monopolization plan.

    According to state records, later that day the Michigan House Democrat Fund records the receipt of a $15,000 cash infusion from DTE.

    The pay-off represents the largest single contribution made by the company in 2007 and immediately eclipses all donations made by the lobby to House and Senate Republican committees... combined.

    All at a time when the company was working behind closed doors directly with the Speaker's office on his plan to repeal PA 141 of 2001, enabling the monopolization of Michigan's utility industry, a move that would potentially net DTE hundreds of millions of dollars in the long run.

    April 12, 2007--

    The FREEP reports that Dillon, Melton and Gillard will reimburse Apple $1,700 each for their share of the March wine-tasting trip.  According to the FREEP:

    Melton said he, Rep. Matt Gillard, D-Alpena, and House Speaker Andy Dillon, D-Redford Township, decided to pay for their trip to northern California themselves because news reports about the iPods and the trip were becoming a "distraction" from work on the state budget crisis.

    The DetNews reports Melton saying something a little bit different.

    "The only reason we're paying for it is to end this public perception that something is misguided," said Rep. Tim Melton, D-Pontiac.

    Which of course begs the question... why return the money if they didn't do anything wrong?  Well, anything wrong besides jet-setting on a wine tasting trip at a corporation's expense in the middle of a fiscal crisis here at home.

    April 26, 2007 -

    We're the first to report the apparent DTE / House Democrat cash-for-policy exchange here on Right Michigan.

    April 27, 2007 -

    The Detroit News asks: Did Dems gain on energy proposal?  Dillon's office declines to return the newspaper's calls.


    So one has to wonder... when will the House Dems start putting their money where their mouth is and hold themselves to the "highest ethical standards?"  Four months into control of the House and they're not off to the best start.  Unless you consider corporate funded wine-tasting junkets that lead to policy "visions" and cash pay-offs for radical policy shifts ethical.

    < Angry Granholm called on school funding "charade," holding kids hostage to tax hike demand | The Dem Debate Fiasco >

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    wow - great work (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Spartyfan on Fri Apr 27, 2007 at 10:26:27 AM EST
    Too bad the mainstream press hasn't done the background work that you've done.

    I'm impressed with your investigative skills.

    hahah... thanks... (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by Nick on Fri Apr 27, 2007 at 10:29:33 AM EST
    But it doesn't take any skill to pay attention.

    Spin it away? Shouldn't you be ashamed? (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by Jeremy Nielson on Fri Apr 27, 2007 at 01:46:51 PM EST

    I like the attempt at spin.  I really do.  It looks like a great regurgitation of a talking point memo.  My hat's off to you.

    April 11, 2007--

    The DetNews reports DTE CEO Anthony Early testifies before the House Energy and Technology Committee in favor of Dillon's monopolization plan.

    According to state records, later that day the Michigan House Democrat Fund records the receipt of a $15,000 cash infusion from DTE.

    The pay-off represents the largest single contribution made by the company in 2007 and immediately eclipses all donations made by the lobby to House and Senate Republican committees... combined.

    Novi, you say that Republicans also get "donations" from the DTE PAC.  But did the Republicans get donations on the same day the CEO asks legislators to consider a monopoly?  The biggest donation just happened to be poorly scheduled?

    I don't know how Democrat's unscrupulous and unethical behavior (after pledges to the contrary) is Nick's fault.  Don't shoot the messenger.  Shoot the Lying Democrat.

    The Lansing Democrats sound like keystone cops lately.  Bungling, one foot in front of the other.  Instead of condemning unethical actions and bad policy directives... you spin it as "same old business."  It's funny, your spin is more "nothing new here" than the poor timing of iPods and Bribes.

    I wouldn't expect a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat to be intellectually honest with themselves.  But I expect better from you, Novi.  You're smarter than that.  Especially since we've gone to the lengths to be fair about Republican problems.  But Granholm is Michigan's Pope... infallible and on a "mission from God".  Any problems in the empire is obviously a matter of the collective sin of humanity.  

    did you read (none / 0) (#5)
    by Nick on Fri Apr 27, 2007 at 01:51:44 PM EST
    anything that's been posted here?

    DTE's donation to the House Dems was more than any contribution they've made all year, fell on the same day as their CEO's testimony in favor of monopolization and surpasses the total amounts contributed to House and Senate Republican committees combined!

    Maybe you don't have a problem with corporate influence peddling but I think most of Michigan does.  Least ways they should.

    And if this is just any old gift then Dillon won't have a problem giving back the money.  Afterall, that's what he did when people found out that he'd gone on a wine tasting trip on Apple's expense a few weeks before unveiling a "vision" to put iPods in the hands of every kid in Michigan.

    He and his fellow jet-setters gave the money back.  

    But thanks for going on record being OK with elected officials tailoring radical changes in policy that benefit big dollar donors.  Aparantly that's an area you agree with Lansing Democrats on.

    You've said, though, in the past, Novi, that there are areas on which you disagree with the Dems in Lansing.  I'd love to know which areas those are and why you disagree with them.  Specifically.  I would have thought for sure corporate influence peddling would be one of them.

    How Bout the Trial Lawyers (5.00 / 1) (#6)
    by jackietreehorn on Fri Apr 27, 2007 at 02:27:51 PM EST
    The House seems to have taken their wish list and rubber stamped it top to bottom.  Look at what the House was doing while Rome was burning, Drug Immunity Bills, Anti-Bullying Legislation, just about anything but the most pressing thing facing this state, THE BUDGET SHORTFALL.  Here we are in April and we are getting an 11th hour SBT replacement!  They also passed a half-a$$ budget proposal with $68 million dollars in "budgetary savings" in it.  I wonder what Bob Klein thinks of that.  They were too lazy and chicken to actually put the time into finding real cuts, so to spare their vulnerable members, they made up "budgetary savings". Great leadership...

    If it walks like a duck, (5.00 / 1) (#7)
    by PMOTVRWC on Fri Apr 27, 2007 at 02:53:29 PM EST
    quacks like a duck, it's a duck.

    Novi, it sure is curious that on the day that dems announce their monopoly plan DTE fills their pockets with dough.  Is it coinkidink?  I doubt it. It sure smells of a quid pro quo.  

    This definitely should be investigated so everyone can be sure this isn't more of the culture of corruption the dems are famous for.

    Hopeless! (5.00 / 1) (#8)
    by Republican Yankee on Fri Apr 27, 2007 at 03:42:29 PM EST
    Everything that has happened this year has demonstrated what Republicans and even Democrats have been saying for awhile.  A Democratic majority in any legislative chamber can't come to a consensus on the time of day.  You've got so many different ideologies on the left with their own warped view of liberalism that it is impossible to lead.  Between undoing Tort Reform, raising taxes, making quid-pro-quo deals for campaign cash and junkets, and various other "visions" it's no wonder that Granholm administration officials had to be on the house floor holding their hand as they passed through their 350% trash tax increase.

    Maybe losing in 2006 wasn't so bad, this will give Michigan and America a chance to remind themselves why why they gave Republicans control in the first place.

    Did you read the front page? (5.00 / 1) (#10)
    by Nick on Fri Apr 27, 2007 at 04:33:16 PM EST
    We've blogged on it twice in two days.  I don't subscribe to the theory that bloggers are "journalists" per se, so I'm not sure about "reporting" but yeah, folks are aware of the circumstances of the MHDC / DTE cash infusion.  

    I see what your game is.  You're labeling this a crime so that if no charges are ever filed you'll run the "conservatives are full of crap" standard up the flagpole while you sit on a high horse.  In the immortal words of SNL Bill O'Reilly,
    "not buying the premise, counselor.  I'm just not buying it."

    I don't know what all goes into determining whether or not something is pursued by law enforcement.  I'm not a lawyer.  But I sure as heck know that taking bags full of benjamins from a company who stands to benefit nine figures from a sudden radical change in policy course is not ethical.  There is a clear conflict of interest.  Not even a debate here.

    Speaking of questions that remain unanswered, with what positions held by Jennifer Granholm and Lansing Democrats do you disagree specifically (you've said there are a plenty) and why?

    The greed is amazing (5.00 / 1) (#11)
    by Capt America on Fri Apr 27, 2007 at 04:55:09 PM EST
    When DTE filed its annual report with the Securities and Exchange Commission, more truth came out. Five of the top dogs at DTE got more than $15 million in compensation last year. DTE is raking in the dough and then has the nerve to cry foul and demand more money from customers and the state!?!?

    Here's the link to the report:


    Check out Page 32 and prepare to be amazed.

    Filing Charges... (5.00 / 1) (#12)
    by Jeremy Nielson on Fri Apr 27, 2007 at 09:41:06 PM EST
    Would be up Saul's alley.  MRP has the resources to really press this.

    But any schlepp with a fax machine, decent grammar, and access to the correct forms can file a campaign finance/political action finance complaint.

    It'll be reviewed by some other schlepp who's been dealing with Granholm's misdirection of slush funds... and filed in the "circular file."

    The trick is putting out a press release (hence, decent grammar) announcing the accusation.  Faxing it to all of the big news houses... and sitting back.

    • No, Jeremy by chetly, 04/28/2007 12:21:14 AM EST (5.00 / 1)
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