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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Granholm: Grand Marshall of Parades of the Media's Making

    By Republican Yankee, Section News
    Posted on Tue Apr 24, 2007 at 10:47:26 AM EST
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    Media Once Again Controlling Granholm's Agenda as Lies, Deceit, Unoriginality and Public Image Continue to Define Administration


    So, Governor Granholm is now saying that she's prohibiting personal travel for those who have state purchased vehicles.  Wonder where she got that idea from?

    Oh that's right!  After over four years as being governor, Granholm elects to do nothing about this problem and neither did legislative Democrats.  But that all changes once the Detroit Free Press writes an article in their Easter Day edition (http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070408/NEWS06/704080660) exposing the waste on state paid personal cars to the public.  Suddenly this needs to be dealt with urgently.

    This time I did laugh, I know it's a bit of a big deal, but I just couldn't help myself.  Should Andy Dillon just surrender his job as speaker to Free Press Editorial Board Head Ron Dzwonkowski?  Should Granholm just appoint Free Press Writer Chris Christoff governor?  At this rate they might as well.

    This is by no means a first for Granholm, as I've pointed out on this page several times.  Since she has taken office she has done nothing but chase ambulances and jump in front of parades in the absence of REAL IDEAS on how to govern.  Let's review:

    Last summer the Free Press editorial page (I believe it was mostly Brian Dickerson) blasts the state for not providing timely or efficient health care to corrections inmates.  After that sizzled and got momentum, Granholm announces that she'll have appropriate authorities look into it.

    Nearly every media outlet talked about the problems in Michigan's foster homes and in January of 2006 (before Ricky Holland's body was found) Department of Human Services Director Marianne Udow said before a Senate committee that her department lacked funding.  But suddenly, Holland's body is found.  Then the press starts going down the list of other foster care victims: Isaac Lethbridge, Rose Kelly, Allison Newman, and sadly others.  So Granholm reacts by announcing she's going to make room in the budget for 51 new child protective services workers (after falsely blaming the legislature for the shortfall in employees, see: Detroit News, 2/18/06 "Granholm's Knee-jerk Blame Game is Offense; and Skubick's column 2/24/06 "Capitol Double Standard").

    Then there was the PR disaster that was the Patrick Selepak situation.  Which piggybacked off of the Daniel Franklin situation (Franklin was mistakenly released from prison and murdered his wife and her children with another father.  Only Franklin's own child's life was spared from his onslaught after being abducted).  But there was even an answer for this from Granholm.  The answer: run campaign ads about those "mean Republicans" who are capitalizing on human tragedy (or telling the truth, I guess it depends on your point of view) and remind everyone that you're a former federal prosecutor and a former attorney general, and that you put "tough new safeguards" in place to make sure the mistakes won't be repeated (don't worry about actually developing those safeguards, those are just details).  Then, to show you're serious, increase Corrections spending by $73,611,700.00 at a time when you're proposing to release 5,000 inmates because corrections has to cut. Anyone else seeing the contradiction here?

    But I guess we shouldn't be surprised.  Even in her 2002 campaign for governor when she got caught red-handed at an NAACP event saying that she would support Congressman John Conyers' bill to give reparation's to the decedents of slaves, Granholm ran a campaign ad to quickly mop up her mess.  Apparently when she said she supported reparations, she didn't mean cash reparations.  Though she said she would support Conyers' bill calling for........CASH REPARATIONS!  Gosh, I would love to see The Daily Show episodes that would air if Granholm were president.

    All these things are in addition to the number games this administration continues to play in an effort to make the ordinary appear heroic.  From this we have a governor who has signed 93 tax cuts into law (actually, 28), has cut state government (actually, the GF/GP budget has increased by over $600 million), is trying to balance a $3 billion budget deficit (actually $686 million), proposed an executive order worth over $350 million of hard cuts (actually about $44 million).  Need I go on?

    And I could go on, as I'm sure most of you know, but I want to get to the point and that is: NONE of these problems were new problems, NONE of them.  The governor knew full well that ALL of these things were going on and chose to do NOTHING about them.  But once it came to light that they were problems and hurt her image, then and ONLY then did it become necessary to take action.  And that's a big reason we see ourselves in the budget dilemma we're in now.  Granholm, as a lame duck, has got to be the unpopular one in order for Dillon to maintain a majority.  The problem is, she is way too concerned about her public image to lead that way.  Andy Dillon's been speaker for 4 1/2 months and he's supposed to have all the answers?  I honestly feel a bit sorry for him that he's not getting more help from the top on this one.  Say what you want about John Engler my Democrat friends, but when he was in office I don't ever remember having to talk about shutting down state government.  The man led and he got things done.  A stark contrast from what we have now, as Granholm seems to be looking for someone else to do her job for her so that she can escape the consequences of proposing unpopular but necessary reforms.  I guess she ran out of task forces to appoint.

    I must ask in all honesty to our friends from the other side of the aisle how could you have possibly worked so hard to get a person like this re-elected?  This is quite possibly the fakest person I have ever come to know in my life with the exception of Jessica Simpson.  I mean really, there is something wrong if I can be this disgusted with my governor and not yet mention the down right LIES about China and Dick DeVos.  So how did you do it?  How did you keep lying to yourself that Granholm was an effective leader?  That Granholm was worth the hours of sacrifice you undoubtedly devoted?  I don't think I'll ever know.

    < Another failed Democrat candidate, another paycheck at taxpayer expense | UPDATE: Senate moves the state $300 million closer to solving budget crisis without raising taxes! >

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    Wait, you know (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Nick on Tue Apr 24, 2007 at 11:18:10 AM EST
    Jessica Simpson?

    That's AWESOME!  

    OK, I'm done.  Couldn't help myself.

    Good column RY.  When you lay out even just a few of the governor's low-lights like that it becomes easier to understand how we're in the mess we're in right now.

    Granholm's Tax and Spend Plan (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by forourchild on Tue Apr 24, 2007 at 11:20:41 AM EST
    We need to label her idea of government leading industry by granting tax favors and spending more on government programs. I think we should call it Trickle Down Socialism- tear down all private business to build up government ownership!

    that's a pretty accurate label, actually... (none / 0) (#3)
    by Nick on Tue Apr 24, 2007 at 11:23:23 AM EST
    I love it.

    Oh, and welcome to the forums!

    It's OK (1.00 / 1) (#5)
    by NoviDemocrat on Tue Apr 24, 2007 at 11:42:28 PM EST
    We said the same thing about your support for Engler. We don't expect you to like her. You're a Republican.

    • That's true... by Jeremy Nielson, 04/25/2007 12:56:21 PM EST (5.00 / 1)
    does it always have to be that way? (5.00 / 1) (#6)
    by Nick on Wed Apr 25, 2007 at 08:27:16 AM EST
    There's no such thing as a Republican or a Democrat issue.  Parties don't define people, even if they think they do.  People's politics are defined every day by issues.

    We claim a party as a means to advance a set of ideas.

    I don't know if you've been around Lansing much Novi (I'm not slamming you, bear with me) but when Granholm was first elected there was an almost unprecedented time of peace at the Capitol.  I remember when she gave her first state of the state address and Republican members of the House and Senate all gave statements that were posted online praising her up one side and down the other.

    She was talking about issues that resonated with people.  She had a perspective and an approach that people were ready for after Engler fatigue kicked in.  Everyone wanted to like her.  

    Unfortunately, she hasn't lived up to her own hype.  She's proved to be the master of the press conference and little else.  I mean c'mon, she actually went to SE Michigan last week to proudly announce that only 1,400 jobs would be cut because of some tax incentives she'd tossed the way of private business.  And she pulled it off!  The mainstream media focused on the replacement plants and all but ignored the bottom line... that the best she could do was limit the damage to 1,400 firings in an economy that's run aground with her at the helm.  And that she called the lay-offs "good for Michigan."  

    That's not a Republian fact or a Democrat fact.  That's a fact.  Period.

    I hope no one gets lost in the games that parties play.  Remember, it's about the issues.  I couldn't care less about an R or a D.  And that's a freeing feeling.  Embrace it.  :)

    • reality by NoviDemocrat, 04/25/2007 09:20:54 AM EST (1.00 / 1)
      • Yes and No... by Republican Yankee, 04/25/2007 09:53:16 AM EST (5.00 / 1)
    an acolyte, I see (5.00 / 1) (#8)
    by Nick on Wed Apr 25, 2007 at 09:24:01 AM EST
    1,400 jobs lost is not "good for Michigan."


    There's no rationalizing it.  There's no explaining it away.  There aren't mitigating circumstances.

    3 million new jobs nationally and you don't get a presser every day but we lose ONLY 1,400 and it's great news!

    And no one feels a lick of shame about it?  Not the least bit embarrassed?

    That alone tells you how far Michigan's slid in the last four years.

    What Republicans fail to understand (1.00 / 1) (#13)
    by NoviDemocrat on Wed Apr 25, 2007 at 01:22:55 PM EST
    is that for many Democrats, a less than perfect Granholm is infinitely better than a DeVos or Posthumous or the Great Satan himself Engler. Many of us disagree with her on this or that issue. But we also realize what havoc a Republican triumverate in Lansing can wreak on the issues that are important to us. We'll take Granholm and her flaws over the alternative. I know that Republicans said the same thing about Engler during his time in office when he crossed the party faithful on key issues like the death penalty and school choice.

    Wait... (5.00 / 1) (#14)
    by Nick on Wed Apr 25, 2007 at 01:35:17 PM EST
    what issues do you disagree with the Governor on?

    I'd love a list of the issue and the "why!"  Seriously, this could be a great learning opportunity for both of us.

    Welcome to Kanada (5.00 / 1) (#15)
    by Mitch on Wed Apr 25, 2007 at 09:38:20 PM EST

    History repeats itself.  Seems like Jennifer Granholm is reverting to her Canadian roots and is governing like socialist Ontario Premier Bob Rae did from 1990-1995.  Talking about raising taxes in dire economic times... I have a feeling of deja vu.

    Now that I live in Virginia as a CPA, I can tell you that business taxes here are a lot less burdensome than in Michigan.  No wonder the things are going down the toilet in Lansing.

    Trash Ban (5.00 / 1) (#16)
    by trainjunkie47 on Thu Apr 26, 2007 at 12:20:57 AM EST
    A proposed ban on importing trash from Canada came several years too late for Michigan.  Granholm is here to stay.

    and welcome to the site, Mitch! (none / 0) (#17)
    by Nick on Thu Apr 26, 2007 at 06:43:55 AM EST
    Glad to have you all the way down in VA.

    NO SECRET (5.00 / 1) (#18)
    by Rejoice39 on Thu Apr 26, 2007 at 09:17:00 AM EST
    "We" all know Granholm is the biggest disgrace MI has EVER seen....we all know she missed the leadership program while she was in high school...she was too busy in acting class...WE SHOULD NOT BE SUPRISED!  After reading this, all I could think was.... Republicans must not forget....WE NEED TO WIN THE HOUSE BACK...Rather than asking why the dems voted for the "Grandstander" we should ask them how they organized their campaign efforts. Most republicans I spoke to in November...would say, "It was a National epidemic, that trickled into MI" or they would say, " There is NOTHING we could have done different to get DeVos elected." WRONG....there are always things that can be improved...and to win the HOUSE back we are going to REALLY change the conservative campaign efforts....or we are in for many many more 1,000+ posts from the YANKEE....


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