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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    What is Dillon Hiding?

    By Republican Yankee, Section News
    Posted on Thu Apr 12, 2007 at 04:58:17 PM EST
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    House Dems Continue Their Game of Hide-and-Go-Seek with Public/Media

    Speaker Andy Dillon called for a press conference today to finally explain to Michigan voters what his caucus meant last week when they called for a state program to purchase iPods for Michigan students.

    Of the several problems that took shape, the most obvious was the fact that Dillon left his colleague Tim Melton hanging and did not show up for the press conference.  Furthermore, Melton did not directly answer questions about Dillon and State Rep. Matt Gillard's trip to California that was partially funded by Apple just before the iPod "vision" was introduced.

    In addition, I spoke with a Republican Party staffer just before the press conference who told me he was turned away from the press conference and told that the event was for "press only".  The press conference was held at the Michigan Capitol Building, last time I checked, that was open to the public giving Dillon and House Dems no right to censor themselves off to anybody wishing to view the press conference.  The staffer was disappointed saying that Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Mark Brewer and Michigan Democratic Party Spokesperson Jason Moon have attened several Republican press conferences in the past without being told they could not attend (the only exception that comes to mind was Brewer's ambush last year on D4G's private property.  But D4G was not out of line there as it was Brewer's stunt.  I think Eaton County even has a police report somewhere that proves that).

    But basically what today amounts to is a political game, which is surprising of Dillon since he has lamented them since we was elected Speaker.  Just yesterday Dillon denied an reasonable request by Minority Leader DeRoche to remove an embattled member from his committees because DeRoche was "playing politics".

    If Dillon's idea today was to set the record straight, why did he care if a Republican staffer was there?  Why weren't the most pressing questions surrounding this controversy answered?  Most importantly, WHERE WAS HE?

    Chalk this one up as another blunder on a rapidly growing list of horrible political decisions by House Democrats.  Even recruiting former GOP Speaker Rick Johnson to bail them out did little to advance their argument.  Let me make the difference clear:

    Johnson's laptop proposal came BEFORE there was a budget crisis.  AFTER finding out about it, he slashed the program.

    Dillon's iPod proposal came AFTER there was a budget crisis.  And even AFTER he knew about it, he and his caucus still kicked this idea around.  It's like someone living in poverty seriously talking about buying a Ferrari in order to get around town.  Way out of leftfield, right?  Way down the road if it ever happens, right?  SO WHY BRING IT UP NOW?

    John Kerry has is "Botched Joke", Bill Clinton has his own definition of "Sexual Relations" and now we have the House Dems tearing a page from the playbook and trying to wiggle their way out of a public relations disaster.  Hopefully, this isn't a sign of things to come from the speaker, but I haven't seen much else that would convince me otherwise.

    < Faux Outrage. | Granholm throws a hissy fit: 'Raise taxes or I'll close your schools!' (and other news for April 13) >

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    Wrong (1.00 / 1) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu Apr 12, 2007 at 05:15:58 PM EST
    "Johnson's laptop proposal came BEFORE there was a budget crisis.  AFTER finding out about it, he slashed the program."

    Nope - Governor Granholm vetoed it after Johnson insisted it be funded.

    I'll have to look into that timeline (none / 0) (#2)
    by Nick on Thu Apr 12, 2007 at 08:16:45 PM EST
    myself.  Either way wouldn't surprise me.  Rick Johnson won't win any "good conservative" awards anytime soon.

    Not my favorite former Speaker.

    Besides... (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by Republican Yankee on Thu Apr 12, 2007 at 10:37:01 PM EST
    If Granholm did veto it, it's not because she had the "courage" of a leader, it was because the press was outraged with the idea just like they're outraged with this iPod crap.  Granholm's "leadership" style always has been and always will be to wet her finger, figure out which way the political winds are blowing and do what they demand.

    That is why we can't count on any REAL reform taking place in Michigan anytime soon.  The truth Novi, is that you guys got whooped this week and it's going to be the same throughout the weekend.  Dillon calls a press conference that he doesn't even have the guts to show up to and all that happens is Melton gets the media together to tell them they're incompetent.  LOL.............We'll see how that goes.

    Republicans and laptops (2.00 / 1) (#4)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu Apr 12, 2007 at 10:46:42 PM EST
    Rick Johnson wasn't the only one with a laptop obsession.


    Super Spinner (1.00 / 1) (#5)
    by NoviDemocrat on Thu Apr 12, 2007 at 10:48:03 PM EST
    Boy, you have to give Matt Resch props for his ability to spin both ways:

    But House Speaker Rick Johnson, R-LeRoy, who first proposed the initiative, said he intends to keep the laptops in the state budget.

    "The speaker believes this is an opportunity for kids that we can't let pass," Johnson spokesman Matt Resch told the Detroit News. "The conversation is not over yet."


    What does that have to do with this proposal? (5.00 / 1) (#6)
    by Nick on Fri Apr 13, 2007 at 06:29:33 AM EST


    So a spokesman did his job and spoke for his boss.  That's a problem?  He's not supposed to be an ideologue, he's a spokesman.

    Besides, no one here is defending that spending right now.  

    The point is, Dillon tried something even more egregious and didn't even have the courage to show up and face the press to answer questions about it.  Instead he sent an old RINO retread with a freshman legislator to duck and dodge the questions from the press.

    That's not leadership.  I'd have actually had a little more respect for Dillon if he'd shown up and said, hey, I like the idea, it stays.  At least then he'd have been a man about it.

    Of course I'd have had a lot more respect for him if he'd shown up and said "bonehead idea, sorry about that."

    But no... he just sent out some other talking heads and hid in his office.

    Typical Dems (5.00 / 1) (#7)
    by Spartyfan on Fri Apr 13, 2007 at 09:12:29 AM EST
    Novi Dem only wants to focus on the past.  I've got news, Rick Johnson hasn't been Speaker for several years now.

    The problem is front and center - and the Dems are leading this state into the abyss.

    Quit trying to live in the past - it won't solve any problems.  But then - I guess the Dems are demonstrating they don't know how to solve problems.

    So at least you come by it honestly.

    For our Friend in Novi... (5.00 / 1) (#8)
    by Republican Yankee on Fri Apr 13, 2007 at 09:37:41 AM EST
    I find it interesting how often NoviDem assails just about everyone but himself for using "spin" when nobody on this site seems to engage in this more than he does.

    Dillon is getting stomped in the media...look over here, Republicans wanted laptops.

    Granholm is wasting money...look over here 1/5 of this is federal money.

    Higher tax states have less job growth...look over here, higher median incomes.

    Rather than defend the "true" accusations being leveled at his party, he seems intent on changing the subject by attempting to make us feel like he knows more than us.  Novi, isn't that the very definition of "spin"?

    Next thing you know Don Imus will be promoting civil rights.

    SERIOUSLY (5.00 / 1) (#10)
    by Rejoice39 on Fri Apr 13, 2007 at 10:07:33 AM EST
    Republican Yankee has had enough of Novi Dem's ridiculousness!

    You are right Yankee....Novi doesn't really stand up for his liberal friends....he just distracts from the issue at hand...

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