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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    If DeVos Were Gov?---Wouldn't It Be Nice!

    By Rejoice39, Section News
    Posted on Fri Mar 30, 2007 at 08:43:11 AM EST
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    In the Detroit News Today, there was an Op-Ed by MIGOP Chair Saul Anuzis.


    Title of the article--How Would DeVos Have Solved the Budget Crisis?

    Only dreams, and hopes can cure the MICHIGAN DOOM AND GLOOM--

    The Link is below...

    I think it is simple.

    If DeVos was the Governor right now...we would not have someone leading the state, that has LIED, CHEATED, and STOLEN to get elected.

    We would not have a Gov whom nickname is GRANTHEFT!

    There would not be RECALL petitions being circulated.

    Oh yeh, and we wouldn't have to worry about hair brain ideas like Andy Dillion's tax on utilities.

    It has gotten to a point where everything is so DOOM and GLOOM, that we have all started dreaming about, "What Would It Be Like" scenarios.

    A few months back when Granholm met with her EMERGENCY BUDGET PANEL---she must have gotten all of her advice from Blanchard, because she has gotten this state into just as bad of a mess that he did.


    < The News According to Nick, Friday, March 30 | A New Two Cents >

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    I got a good laugh out of Saul's responses (1.00 / 1) (#1)
    by NoviDemocrat on Fri Mar 30, 2007 at 09:04:52 AM EST
    He suggested that all state departments have their budgets cut by 10%. If we applied that to Prisons and State Police, it would save multi-millions of dollars. But it's been the Republicans who have opposed any cuts to prisons and state police. Instead, they've increased their spending! That's right, the Republicans are increasing spending in those departments when they claim we need to cut.

    Someone also needs to let Saul know that he needs to update his numbers. The State budget numbers were reduced by almost 400 million by the Governor's EO. So he can't use his 41.5 billion dollar budget number anymore, assuming that's even the right number. Saul's numbers tend to be pretty suspect.

    I'M Glad Someone in MI Can Still Laugh (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by Rejoice39 on Fri Mar 30, 2007 at 11:14:09 AM EST
    Saul is not proposing across the board cuts. What Saul is proposing is that the departments cuts from within, and by at the least 10%.

    I commend Saul for even suggesting the DIFFERENT idea's.

    Saul's intellectual creativity spurs brainstorming. Which I think is something the dems lack, since the only answer I EVER hear coming from them is.....OH POOR US, we wouldn't be in this mess if JOHN ENGLER didn't put us here.


    QUIT the BLAME games, and put your BRAIN to solving the MICHIGAN CRISIS.

    Well Said. (1.00 / 1) (#5)
    by Republican Yankee on Fri Mar 30, 2007 at 01:11:22 PM EST
    Good points Rejoice.  And let's not forget something for all of our Democratic friends listening in out there.  Cutting services from the state budget doesn't mean no longer providing those services.

    Say it with me, oh come on I know it's hard, but just say it:


    Very good.  It's wonder we haven't done it already.  Oh yeah, Granholm's in the unions pockets.  We'll probably have better luck when we have a governor who can seperate good policy from good politics.

    Not that easy (1.00 / 1) (#6)
    by tgagne on Mon Apr 02, 2007 at 08:14:52 AM EST
    "Sign the recently introduced House legislation that requires immediate reporting if a department is going to go over their appropriated budget allotment and fire those responsible for overspending. He would fired the director responsible for the budget, not reward such behavior by making that person his chief of staff."

    --Saul Anuzis, Detroit News, 3/30/2007

    Leadership is more complicated than this.  It is threats such as this that encourages managers (inside and outside government) to pad their budgets so they may never go over budget, but also to make sure they use all of it.

    If a budget is exceeded let's known it was for a good reason.  Going over budget isn't the end of the world.  Coming in under-budget, however, is a great thing.

    We should resist, and I include Saul, over-simplifying budgets and their management.  Such rhetorical devices have a way of discrediting the speaker more than their targets.

    Everyone takes their turn

    Welcome to the site, and a clarification... (5.00 / 1) (#7)
    by Nick on Mon Apr 02, 2007 at 08:26:54 AM EST
    Tgangne... welcome!  Thanks for checking us out.

    And thanks for jumping in on the conversation.

    I actually tend to agree with your point but think you may have misread Saul.  When he calls for that particular individual to be fired, he's not talking about some random dept. head who happened to come in over budget.

    The bill he's referencing would have given teeth to the constitutional provision that department heads report overages when they know they're going to happen.  It would have better specified timelines and requirements, not called outright for someone to lose their jobs.

    The problem with the department heads in question, at DOC, MSP and DHS wasn't the overage.  It was the fact they did NOT report it for months, hiding it under the rug during the governor's reelection campaign to prevent her opponent from using it as a campaign issue.  

    But you're certainly right, one could read Saul's suggestion as demanding any overspending be punished by termination.  Still, if there's ever a time to take a hardline on spending issues, this is the time!

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