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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    MIGOP Chair Anuzis wins award for best analysis of the MDP convention

    By Rejoice39, Section News
    Posted on Mon Feb 26, 2007 at 11:54:10 AM EST
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    While reading Saul Anuzis's blog today, I came across his posting on the Dem convention.  This is too good to pass up...Check it out below or on Saul's Blog.


    Anuzis says, "So the Oscars are done, but they missed a few that could have been given out to Michigan's finest. "Oscars" based on Granholm playing a "role" in the last election:

    Best Actress:  Jennifer Granholm - playing a job creating, tax cutting leader

    Best Actor in a Supporting role:  John Cherry

    Best Screenplay:  Dan Mulhern

    Best Director: Mark Brewer (or the union leadership)

    Worst picture of the year:  Michigans Job Climate

    Best Comedy:  The Granholm "Job's Plan", which she claims is working.

    Too bad not all the people of Michigan know it is all make believe!

    The Democrats finished their state convention this weekend.  I actually found something I agreed with them on.

    The party Dems announced its support for net neutrality legislation - which had been at the forefront of the debate over a statewide cable franchise bill last session after Google lobbied hard to get wording included.  

    "To encourage broadband development and preserve and promote the open and interconnected nature of the Internet, Michigan consumers are entitled to access of lawful Internet content of their choice without interference by their Internet service providers," states the resolution supporting legislation.  The party is also supporting net neutrality legislation at the federal level.

    Common sense...on one issue...and then...

    The Democrats adopted 45 different resolutions...here are some of the more "fun" ones with my comments in "( )":

    Supporting the study of reparations for African-Americans.

    (how about a school system that works...or a job)

    Supporting a national universal single payer health plan.

    (because government did such a good job with Katrina)

    Declaring the essence of American patriotism is to honor the Constitution.

    (this coming from Trial Lawyers and activist judges...please)

    Supporting domestic partner benefits.

    (because health care costs aren't high enough)

    Urging action to stop global warming.

    (maybe just outlaw GM, Ford and Chrysler...and/or other manufacturers)

    Supporting repeal of drug company immunity.

    (because losing Pfizer is not enough)

    Supporting the elimination of term limits for all Michigan elected officials.

    (because someone is going to re-elect them after they raise taxes)

    Opposing national voter photo ID cards.

    (because we would hate to stop cheating or illegals from voting...or the deceased)

    Governor Granholm and the Democrats also spent the weekend talking about "moving forward" by raising taxes.  So which is it...she brags about signing 93 tax cuts but now wants to raise taxes.  Was she "irresponsible" and/or just didn't understand that the state was spending more than it was taking in and couldn't resist the politics of cutting taxes?

    Supposedly the Democrats are going to introduce their bills to put forward their tax and spend proposal with some specifics this week.  Finally, we'll be able to talk about more than just the Governor's political rhetoric."

    < The News According to Nick, February 26 | Whitmer's cloning bill gets insane spin in LSJ --OR-- Why noone trusts the MSM >

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