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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Bush Silently Proves Critics Wrong... Again!

    By Republican Yankee, Section News
    Posted on Tue Feb 13, 2007 at 09:38:38 AM EST
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    Todays Announcement That a Deal Has Been Struck with North Korea and That Country's Nuclear Program Scores Bush Another Point

    The Anti-Bush crowd suffered a major defeat today and I bet they don't even realize it.  For all the flack that President Bush takes for not "trying harder" to find diplomatic solutions to America's security problems, the government's involvement in North Korea is little mentioned.

    When the United States attacked Iraq it was said that the president "went through the motions" and the administration continues to take it on the chin for not "meeting and/or talking" with Syria or Iran.

    But with these sticks come with no carrots from the left.  The President and his administration has been steadfast in working with regional leaders through six party talks and have accomplished what they set out to do.  North Korea has not agreed to shut down its main nuclear reactor and "eventually" dismantle their atomic weapons program.

    Whether or no the North Koreans follow through is really not the point of this entry, I just simply want to give the administration credit for what the media likely won't give them credit for.  A tremendous diplomatic victory for President Bush, Secretary of State Rice, our friends and allies that participated in the six party talks, and of course the whole world.

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