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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Right Michigan FAQ Updated!

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Feb 13, 2007 at 03:27:04 PM EST
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    Check out the updated FAQ by clicking the link or continuing below...

    Q: What’s RightMichigan.com all about?

    A: This site is about two things. First, it’s a resource for the latest Michigan based political news and commentary. We’ll bring you stories and perspectives daily that you won’t get anywhere else.

    Isn’t that hard to promise, you ask? Why no, no it’s not. This is citizen journalism at its finest. We’re watch dogging Lansing every day and I promise you we won’t be as forgiving as the mainstream press.

    Second, this site is about community. Conservative thinkers in Michigan haven’t had a home on the web. We’ve been wandering the wilderness alone. This might not be the Promised Land (I couldn’t find any milk or honey), but at the very least it’s a really groovy camp-site with a fire-pit and lots of sticks for making smores.

    So grab a beach chair and some marshmallows, start your own DIARY and make camp!

    Q: Is this site only for Republicans?

    A: This is a home for conservatives but there’s no party line to walk here. If you’re anywhere to the right of center there’s room for you here. And we’re typically pretty good hosts. Lefties and libs are welcome to take a look around and say hello from time to time too, just so long as everyone behaves.

    Q: Who is the webmaster of RightMichigan.com?

    A: That's me.  My name's Nick De Leeuw.  I've worked in and around Lansing on various campaigns (and even for the Republican caucus in the House, back when we had control) for the better part of five years now.

    Most recently I worked as the Director of Advance for the DeVos for Governor Campaign.  I didn't like the way that one turned out and decided not to go quietly into the night... so here I am.

    I was born and raised in Grand Rapids and opted to stick around.  The most important things in my life are God, family and the Denver Broncos.  Not necessarily in that order.

    I also dream of world peace, love puppies and enjoy long walks on the beach.

    Q: Don't you root for any Michigan teams?

    A: Sure.  I love the Tigers (making my first pilgrimage to Spring Training in a couple weeks) and root for the Pistons and the Wings.  I'm a GVSU grad too.  Go Lakers.

    Q: What's the difference between a "STORY" and a "DIARY?"

    A: For the most part, only members of the RightMichigan.com editorial team will post news stories to the front page.  Still, you'll find us in the Diary section too.  It's the perfect spot for sharing your thoughts on anything relating to Michigan politics.

    Q: How do I post a news STORY to RightMichigan.com?

    A: RightMichigan.com is all about community!  We want you to post away.  All you have to do is sign-up, free of charge, then log in!


    After that it's as easy as clicking "Submit Story" in your menu box on the right!


    Q: How do I start my own DIARY on RightMichigan.com?

    A: The first step is the same as the answer above.  First sign-up free of charge, then log on.  Click "Create New Diary Entry" and you're off and running.

    Q: I signed up for a free account but didn't get an activation e-mail.  What do I do?

    A: Email me at webmaster@rightmichigan.com and send along the screen name and password you selected.  I'll activate your account and send you a new password.  After you log in for the first time you'll be able to change your password to something only you know.

    Q: Anything else I should know?

    A: Yes.  The Broncos will go 17-2 next season en route to a win in Superbowl XLII.  Jay Cutler will win at least a share of the league MVP title.  Go ahead, write it down.  Add this page to your "favorites."  Copy and paste.  Print away.

    I'm calling my shot.

    < Gongwer News Service follows-up on Caruso 60 Minutes story, RightMichigan.com featured! | Granholm's Tax Hike Explained: WRONG State, WRONG people, WRONG time! >

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