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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Draft Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land for Senate bid

    By Straussian, Section News
    Posted on Tue Feb 13, 2007 at 11:45:16 AM EST
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    As strange as it might seem to those of us who bean our interest and participation in Michigan politics decades ago, we now are in an age where, our election just over, we must immediately turn our attention upon the next.

    In two years we will be facing the potential reelection of Senator Carl Levin.

    As strange as it might seem to those of us who bean our interest and participation in Michigan politics decades ago, we now are in an age where, our election just over, we must immediately turn our attention upon the next.

    In two years we will be facing the potential reelection of Senator Carl Levin.

    There was a time when his presence in the US Senate was merely whimsical.  Some of us even remember Ted Kennedy's unkind comments and his derision concerning Levin's political ineptitude.  But that time has passed.  It is now incumbent upon us to field the strongest candidate possible as early as possible in order to put his seat in the Republican column.

    I believe that person is Terri Lynn Land.

    Our Secretary of State is a proven leader, the most successful vote-getter in the state and a woman of great personal and political skill and integrity.

    It is not too early for those who know her best and who have the greatest opportunity to reason with her to start in earnest a well organized grassroots movement to secure her nomination and acceptance.

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