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    Right Michigan Exclusive: An interview with Rep. Fulton Sheen (R-Plainwell)

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Dec 07, 2007 at 08:33:06 AM EST
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    We talk so often here about the things that are going wrong in Lansing and what the tax-and-spenders are up to that I think it's important to check in with the good guys from time to time to get their take on the issues facing taxpayers and the legislature today.

    The GOP House minority continues to sponsor and introduce legislation, to work behind the scenes and to try to figure out some sort of positive solution to this tax-hike / budget mess.

    We rarely hear about that in the MSM.

    Being a member of a legislative minority makes it tough to garner headlines. But they're working hard and they're trying to make a difference.

    This week I had a few quick minutes to speak with Representative Fulton Sheen.

    Interview after the break...

    State Rep. Fulton Sheen, thanks for taking a few minutes to speak with the "Right Roots" at Right Michigan!

    Thanks for having me here Nick.  It's a real pleasure to be here with you.

    Let's start with the big issue this entire term, the House Democrats' move to raise taxes on Michigan businesses and Michigan families.  You wound up voting NO on each of the tax hikes that the majority caucus moved through the House.  Why was it important that you vote no?  

    Well, I always take a look at government and realize that deficits are either caused by a spending problem or a revenue problem.  The only way to fix a spending problem is to cut spending and the only way to fix a revenue problem is to raise taxes.  Since I come from the camp that believes that Michigan's problem was due to spending, I thought we should have done more cutting.  I didn't come to Lansing to work for Lansing, I came here to work for citizens.

    Now, the business community said that there was a $900 million compliance cost on a $613 million sales tax increase and the Democrats only then sort of saw the err of their ways and voted to repeal but they attached a full replacement to the repeal through an MBT surcharge.  We've heard from your caucus that there are cuts and reforms available that would mean we needn't replace the tax hike.  

    Where do we stand with those cuts and reforms?  Are they dead in the water?  Is there any support, so far as you can tell, inside the majority caucus?

    Frankly, the Democrats won't allow us to even discuss our reforms and cuts.  During the budget process they could have just let us introduce our idea and then vote us down, but they didn't want us to be a part of the discussion.  Many of the reforms that we proposed are now dead, but I still support them.

    I came up with a whole list of reforms and cuts that could have moved us forward and put them on my website.  However, those cuts were never considered.

    I was fortunate enough to work with you a bit back in 2005 and already back then I know you were advocating that folks take a look at the Fair Tax and that's a proposal that's getting some love on the national scene these days too.  Can you explain the Fair Tax for us and would it have or could it make a difference in the way we do things here in Michigan?

    The Fair Tax would eliminate income and business taxes, and Michigan would have one of the most competitive tax structures in the nation.

    The Fair Tax could have, and will make a difference here in Michigan.  However, any Fair Tax legislation has to be put before the voters in the form of a ballot initiative because it changes the state's constitution.  I plan to begin collecting signatures in February.

    Last term you were a part of the House Majority.  Speaker Dillon's gone as far as to violate the Constitution at least once in shutting down amendments from the floor.  The Fair Tax and reforms like that are something, obviously, that seem dead in the water in the House as long as the Democrats are running the show.  How difficult is it attempting to get anything done from the minority?

    It's very difficult for any Republican in the House to initiate legislative discussions.  Five bills that I have introduced, whether in the distant past or recent past, have recently passed the House.  However, these were all bills that were passed because a Democrat took them and put their name on them.  I guess this just proves that good policy is good policy.

    Is there anything, any issue, and debate that you'd like to see addressed a certain way to feel personally and for your district, come next November, that this has been a successful two-year term at least for you personally?

    There are quite a few things that I would love to see addressed in the next calendar year, but I don't think that the Current Democratic leadership has any interest in bringing them up.  I'm just putting my energy into what I am doing with the Fair Tax.

    What it comes down to is that it doesn't matter what the House thinks, or the Senate thinks or even the Governor; it matters what the people think.  If the legislature and the governor won't govern, the people will.

    Just a shame it comes to that.  Now, transitioning a bit, have you picked a pony in the GOP POTUS field?  Why?

    I currently serve as the head of Mitt Romney's Faith and Family committee.  Gov. Romney is the best-rounded candidate we have in respect to experience.  He worked successfully in the private sector and then become a Republican Governor in a state whose legislature was 80% Democrat.  He got rid of a billion dollar deficit in Massachusetts by reducing spending, not increasing taxes.

    When Michigan passed it's one-man/ one-woman marriage amendment, Gov. Romney wrote the best article I had read on the issue, happy that we were able to keep what happened in Massachusetts regarding gay marriage from happening here.

    He's very pro-family and very pro-life, regardless of what his views were in the past.

    Representative Sheen, thanks again for your time!

    Thank you Nick for everything that you are doing with your blog.

    < Friday in the Sphere, December 7 | Part Time Legislature >

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    Here we go again (none / 0) (#1)
    by Communications Guru on Fri Dec 07, 2007 at 10:02:59 AM EST
    Here we go again. So you are the only person Fulton Sheen granted an interview to? If not then it's not exclusive. Most of your misstatements, spin, lies and half-truths are in the body of the crap you write, but it's hard to miss when you put it in the headline.

    I love this line, "We rarely hear about that in the MSM." What pure BS.

    CG - Cool your jets (none / 0) (#3)
    by Dutchsma on Fri Dec 07, 2007 at 10:21:50 AM EST
    Unless there were other reporters in the room at the time Nick was doing the interview, it was an exlusive interview.  Just like any MSM outlet that interviews President Bush or Governor Granholm without the presence of other media folks.

    Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines exclusive as "1 a: excluding or having power to exclude b: limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group"

    That definition fits with Nick's use of the word.  Why are you always such a contrarian?  Your spinning of the issues is any different than Nick's perspective on the issues and it's his blog.  You wrote for a liberal newspaper owned by a known liberal supporter and contributor.  Would you expect anything else from a conservative blog?

    Wrong (none / 0) (#5)
    by Communications Guru on Fri Dec 07, 2007 at 11:16:35 AM EST
    Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not what the definition of exclusive interview means in journalism. I don't care what the dictionary says. In fact, it's a term I have ever heard used in print journalism.

    Why am I always such a "contrarian?" Are you serious? Because I have a different political viewpoint.

    There is a big difference between spin and dishonesty. Now I write for a liberal newspaper at Michigan Messenger, but I have never wrote for a liberal newspaper when I was a staff reporter. In fact, I don't think a liberal newspaper exists in this country. Even at MM we subscribe to the SPJ standards, and, unlike here, we don't lie, make up stuff and spin.

    What I expect from a conservative blog is honesty. Why don't you?

    Explain (none / 0) (#7)
    by Dutchsma on Fri Dec 07, 2007 at 11:44:48 AM EST
    What an "exclusive" interview is in journalism.  How can that definition be different than the standard definition of "exclusive"?

    In my opinion blogs don't have to subscribe to MSM definitions - it's part of what makes them different and in many ways, better.  Nick and other bloggers may disagree with this and can object to my opinion if they like.

    I made the point of you being a contrarian because it seems that whenever you disagree or don't like what you read you tend to go off and accuse others on this site of being dishonest without pointing out where the issue is and adding the "correct" facts.  You're a journalist by trade; isn't that part of what you are supposed to do?  Ferret out the truth and publish it?

    I think honesty and factual accuracy is truly important regardless of a persons political bend.  What part of this interview did you consider to be dishonest?


    A MUST SEE (none / 0) (#8)
    by LX on Fri Dec 07, 2007 at 01:04:55 PM EST
    This link has been the best thing I've have learned about on the net!


    Please be patient while it loads, I guarantee it is worth the wait.


    Communications Guru (none / 0) (#9)
    by Victor Laszlo on Sat Dec 08, 2007 at 07:30:29 AM EST
    After reading Communications Guru's posts denying the existence of liberal newspapers in this country, one has to wonder what color the sky is of the planet that Communications Guru lives on.  OTOH, Communications Guru's ludicrous posts could be explained if lunatics in an insane asylum are permitted access to computers from time to time.

    Good one, CG (none / 0) (#10)
    by gnu2u on Mon Dec 10, 2007 at 09:37:19 PM EST
    With everything Nick has written on this blog, the best you can come up with is his use of the word "exclusive"??  Jeez.  

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