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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Radio News Director starts tossing the ad-hominems... but only at conservatives?

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 19, 2007 at 09:06:33 AM EST
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    WKZO News Director John McNeill thinks anyone questioning Jon Stryker's connection with medicare fraud is "dumb."  Libs questioning conservatives over flimsier claims?  Well, apparently they're libs, no big deal.  But the MSM isn't biased.

    And they wonder why we accuse them of having a liberal bias?  I've been itching to share this one with everyone for a few days now but I decided to have patience.  Sadly, it's starting to look like no amount of waiting will make a difference.

    Last week Right Michigan detailed the United States Justice Department's settlement with the Stryker Corporation, the family business and cash cow of radical-lib money man and gay-special-rights vigilante Jon Stryker.  Turned out his company had stolen tens of millions of dollars from American seniors at the same time Styker's profits were shooting through the roof and the man was personally purchasing the Michigan House of Representatives with unprecedented amounts of campaign cash.

    Lets review the facts, shall we?  For instance:

  • Jon L. Stryker has sold off more than $100 million worth of company stock over the last year.  This is the same time the Stryker Corp. was bilking the taxpayers with its fraudulent claims and its stock price was on the rise, increasing in value by nearly 60 percent since January 2006.

  • Stryker owns more than 28 million shares in the company, worth an estimated $2 billion.

  • He owns more than 10 percent of the company, which requires him to file special disclosure documents with the Federal Election Commission that monitor the trading activities of company insiders.

  • Jon Stryker is the man and money behind the Coalition for Progress, which pumped in more than $5 million in Michigan state legislative races in 2006 and was a critical component in Democrats capturing control of the state House of Representatives.

  • Jon Stryker is widely believed to be the man behind the Governor's super-secret Partners for Progress slush fund and bankrolls the Michigan regressisphere.

  • Jon Stryker and his family have been active in influencing political outcomes in other states. The Stryker family personally funded a Democrat takeover of the Colorado Legislature in 2004.

    Stryker's cash is dirty.  Filthy.  Saul at MRP has called on House Democrats, Jennifer Granholm and others to return the illegal cash and to separate themselves from the criminal actions that led to it's donation.  But they're not going to.  And that's not a surprise.  The Dems talk a good game on ethics and accountability but when push comes to shove they've got Norman Hsu's, Chinese bus boys without citizenship and Jon Stryker's hiding in their closets.  Especially here in Michigan.  

    Nothing new for Granholm, Stabenow, Levin and Dillon.  They're used to taking tainted money.  They just brush off complaints about it and hope their Dem constituency is still wearing their blue sunglasses.  But our friends in the MSM?  Well, one of them didn't very much like me going after his BFF Jon Stryker.

    What follows is an email exchange between myself and John McNeill, the news director at Kalamazoo's AM radio leader, WKZO.  

    I love KZO.  I seriously do.  For the longest time you couldn't hear a Tigers game on the radio in Grand Rapids.  If the Tigers weren't going to the playoffs the local sports radio station couldn't be bothered with their broadcasts.  KZO never waivered in their support for the Tigers.  And I will always love and appreciate them for it.

    Even today when I listen to a game (and I listen to a lot of them) I put my "money" where my mouth is... or my ear at least... and put up with a bit of a fainter signal, always tuning into 590 instead of 1340.  

    But their News Director?  He could probably take a cue from the class that's been illustrated by the sports department.

    Read on...

  • From: John McNeill john@wkzo.com,
    To: Nick De Leeuw <rightmichigan@gmail.com>,
    Date: Nov 15, 2007 2:09 PM
    Subject: RE: Democrat sugar-daddy Stryker caught in medicare scandal, stealing from seniors to buy MI elections

    Jon Stryker has nothing to do with the day to day operations of Stryker Corp. He is not on the board. He doesn't work there, and did not work at the Subsidiary involved.

    Are you purposely misleading the public or just dumb.

    Yep, he dropped the "are you just dumb" bomb (and ended a question with a period, but that's neither here nor there).  Which is awfully professional of him.  But the total and complete lack of tact and civility aside there's a much larger issue at play here... as I point out:

    From: Nick De Leeuw rightmichigan@gmail.com
    To: john@wkzo.com,
    Date: Nov 15, 2007 2:43 PM
    Subject: Re: Democrat sugar-daddy Stryker caught in medicare scandal, stealing from seniors to buy MI elections

    Hi John,

    There's an old leadership axiom that goes something like "the buck stops here!"  Jon Stryker materially benefited from a scam that ripped off tens of millions (at least) from American seniors.

    As far as your parting shot, it's nice to hear from you too.

    By the by, I'm very much looking forward to seeing a copy of the email in which you questioned MDP Chairman Mark Brewer's motives and intelligence last fall after he issued a press release accusing then-candidate Dick DeVos of killing people via the Alterra nursing home chain.

    A chain with which Mr. DeVos had nothing to do via day-to-day operations, on whose board he did not sit and with which he was never counted an employee.  A chain, for that matter, in which he merely owned stock and was much further removed than is Mr. Stryker from Stryker Corporation.



    I figured giving him the chance to defend himself was the right thing to do.  As much as I wanted to go off half-cocked... heck, fully cocked and call him a lib and accuse him of a penetrating and unavoidable bias I held back.  It's not right to assume that someone is some way, right?  So I offered Mr. McNeill the benefit of the doubt and a chance to defend himself.  

    From: John McNeill john@wkzo.com,
    To: Nick De Leeuw <rightmichigan@gmail.com>,
    Date: Nov 15, 2007 3:24 PM
    Subject: RE: Democrat sugar-daddy Stryker caught in medicare scandal, stealing from seniors to buy MI elections

    What you are saying is two wrongs make a right?

    ...that just because the democrats did it, you can do it too?

    Notice he ignored the larger issue by erecting a straw-man argument, apparently convinced that the Styker and Alterra situations were factually similar despite the evidence that places Jon Stryker hundreds of millions of light years closer to any potential wrongdoing than the other example.  

    Which, of course, goes to my point... McNeill assails a conservative's integrity and intelligence when that conservative highlights a tangible connection between a liberal and wrong doing but did he reserve the same disdain for a liberal reaching desperately to make a significantly weaker connection between misdeeds and someone on the right?

    From: Nick De Leeuw rightmichigan@gmail.com
    To: john@wkzo.com,
    Date: Nov 15, 2007 3:34 PM
    Subject: Re: Democrat sugar-daddy Stryker caught in medicare scandal, stealing from seniors to buy MI elections


    I'm not saying that at all.  I believe there's a pretty stark difference between minority shareholder status in a publicly traded company and a corporation that bears one's own name.

    And I'm offering you the opportunity to prove specifically that your righteous indignation is not based on partisan or issue politics by providing evidence that you similarly questioned the intent and intelligence of someone on the "other side of the aisle" who made significantly more drastic accusations based on a significantly flimsier chain of connection.


    And still I wait.  And wait.  And wait.

    Liberal media bias?  Nah, we must be crazy.  But at least they're really nice guys... errrr....

    < Monday in the Sphere, November 19 | GOP Senate - Meeting to fix Dem tax hike, DEM House - Cancelled (again) >

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    How bout this... (none / 0) (#1)
    by jackietreehorn on Mon Nov 19, 2007 at 10:33:28 AM EST
    I'll give Jon Stryker a pass on this if Mark Brewer admits that Dick DeVos has the same status with Amway/Alticor right now.

    If Dick DeVos was fair game on the very same issue last year during the election, then Jon Stryker is equally game here.

    • I won't... by Nick, 11/19/2007 10:39:58 AM EST (none / 0)
    It appears two wrongs are just that... (none / 0) (#3)
    by LX on Mon Nov 19, 2007 at 10:51:33 AM EST
    I find it entertaining that the right gets on the high horse over this issue and not over the MoleRattlers appointment of Ismael Ahmed to Director of Human Services, which oversees Medicare/Medicaid.

    This has been known for a long time (2004) with these two articles below, if there were not truth to this, the author would have been in court over writing this. For ease, I am posting both (I know how everyone hates that) with the associated links. While I am conservative, the GOP seriously needs to clean its own house before casting stones.


    The former head of Jesse Jackson's Michigan Presidential campaign, heads a Muslim-dominated agency that defrauds Medicaid by helping bring pregnant Muslim women from all over the world to America and giving them phony Social Security numbers to use so they can defraud Medicaid and have you--the taxpayers pay thousands of dollars to cover the deliveries of their babies. Plus the babies get U.S. citizenship.

    Granholm knows a lot about this because she was Michigan Attorney General in December 2002, when agents of her office and the FBI raided ACCESS in connection with a Medicaid fraud investigation her office oversaw. That's why it was strange when she hired her friend, Ahmed, to Co-Chair her Gubernatorial Transition Team, since she knew of Ahmed's organizations involvement in this scam. (She's since appointed him as a Regent of Eastern Michigan University.)

    BUT, that she hired Ahmed to now oversee Michigan's disbursements of Medicaid--now as the new Director of the Michigan Department of Human Services--is even more outrageous. Trite but true, it's exactly like hiring the fox to guard the henhouse. It's also disturbing because Ahmed's agency used thousands of government job-training funds to train Al-Qaeda terrorists to get commercial driver's licenses and hazardous material hauling certificates.

    And his agency used government money to sponsor the University of Michigan Divestment (from Israel) Conference. Imagine what Ahmed will do with access to and control over Michigan's giant budget for everything that falls under "Human Services."

    Make no mistake. Michigan's top Republicans aren't clean in this either. Current Michigan Attorney General and Republican Mike Cox carefully waited until Muslim women defrauding Medicaid left the country before he issued bench warrants for their arrest. He did that, so he would never actually have to arrest them, interview them, and go after ACCESS and the other malefactors involved in this . . . and offend Muslims. He's been vying for extremist Muslim Arab votes and believes they are the route to his becoming Governor when term-limited Granholm leaves office after 2010.

    He appeared on FOX News Channel's "O'Reilly Factor" to gush all over himself for issuing these empty warrants and lied to Bill O'Reilly, claiming that the people who turned these women in were "Arabs," themselves, "from the community," implying they were also Muslims. In fact, none of them are--all Infidels of non-Arab extraction. And what's worse, Cox issued the warrants, despite Justice Department requests not to, tipping off targets. (An incompetent, stupid former Assistant U.S. Attorney gave him the documents and information.) But rather than do the right thing for a proper investigation, he needed his time to shine in the "O'Reilly Factor" sun. After all, he wants to be Governor and, then, President.

    To date, Cox done nothing to stop the Medicaid fraud at Ismael Ahmed's ACCESS, which continues and has throughout his five years as Michigan's chief law enforcement official. He is as culpable as Granholm in the wholesale giveaway of U.S. citizenship and tax-paid Medicaid dollars in Michigan to those who--surprise! surprise!--share the same religion as the 19 hijackers of September 11th.



    Ahmed is the founder and executive director of ACCESS - the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services, based in Dearborn, Michigan.

    Under Ahmed's leadership, ACCESS paid for commercial driving lessons and attempts at hazardous material hauling certificates for two men convicted as part of the Detroit Al-Qaeda sleeper cell. Testimony at their trial revealed that the men planned to bomb the MGM Grand Casino and a host of other prominent US sites.
    More chilling is that since ACCESS' multi-million dollar budget is largely tax-funded, tax dollars likely paid for these men to get their "job training" organized by ACCESS.

    When confronted with this, Ahmed made no apologies. On the contrary, he was defiant in defending his organization's aid to the Qaeda sleepers, comparing their membership in the terrorist group to mere "political credential," such as Democrat or Republican.

    In 2002, ACCESS sponsored and funded the Second Annual Palestinian Students Divestment Conference at the University of Michigan. The conference's keynote speaker was Sami Al-Arian, the now-indicted, alleged leader of the Islamic Jihad terrorist group. His activities were well-known at the time, including letters stating that "the merger with the brothers in Hamas" was almost complete and bragging of a successful bus-bombing in Israel. Other conference speakers included assorted anti-Semites and anti-Westerners who had previously exhorted violence against and murder of Jews.

    When confronted on ACCESS' sponsorship of this conference, Ahmed - whose agency provides tax-funded "sensitivity training"-- told a reporter that it was a cultural activity for Arabic children in the area.

    Ahmed apparently thinks that donating to terrorist groups is also a "cultural activity." He opposed the Clinton Counter-terrorism package of 1996, because it prohibited donations to terrorist groups, including Hezbollah and Hamas. Ahmed told a Detroit paper of the difficulty finding Arab-Americans who did not give to these groups.

    Give Ahmed credit for his honesty - for once. He has been less than truthful about his own background. For example, he has bragged in writings and to reporters of his "tours" and "hitches" in Vietnam and claimed that he is a "Vietnam Veteran."

    But, while Ahmed did serve in the U.S. Army, any time he spent in Vietnam was as a tourist - unlike his party's likely Presidential nominee. While Ahmed was briefly in Korea, military records show that most of his military career was spent stateside at Fort Knox. "Records do not indicate veteran served in Vietnam," wrote Scott Levins, Assistant Director for Military Records at the National Personnel Records Center.

    Then there is Ahmed's reason for founding ACCESS. The organization claims it exists to help Americans of all sorts get social service help. But in an old newspaper interview, Ahmed admits he founded ACCESS "as an advocacy group" while campaigning to persuade auto unions to divest their Israeli bond portfolios.

    Since then, Ahmed has used ACCESS to shake down corporations and government, much the same way Jesse Jackson has for Operation PUSH and the Rainbow Coalition. And what a coincidence: Ismael Ahmed ran one of Jackson's successful wins of the Michigan Democratic Primary in the 1980s. Ahmed continues to shower Jackson with accolades, including keynote speeches at ACCESS' annual banquet. "Unfortunately," he recently wrote, "Americans had not listened to Jessie [sic] Jackson's election warning to `Stay out of the Bushes.' "

    But, despite the dig, Democrats are not alone in pandering to Ismael Ahmed and ACCESS. In fall 2002, President Bush went out of his way to recognize ACCESS, citing it and an Americorps volunteer who worked for the agency, in a speech at a Detroit area public school. Thereafter, Bush sent then-Americorps chief, Leslie Lenkowsky, to shower ACCESS with a multi-million dollar Arab Americorps program.

    While Americorps volunteers typically help build Habitat for Humanity homes for the poor and help underprivileged kids learn to read, Ismael Ahmed's Americorps program is political. He sends volunteers to work for the Arab-American Institute, a Saudi-funded lobbying group headed by Democratic advisor James Zogby - all at taxpayer expense.

    After 9/11, ACCESS campaigned against universities cooperating with federal agents to find foreign students linked to terrorism. In 2002, ACCESS was raided by federal agents in a Medicaid fraud investigation. A television report and several newspaper articles said ACCESS was involved in helping foreign Arabic women fraudulently obtain Medicaid to have their babies here in the United States.


    Not one peep from Michigan Republicans or Right Michigan for that matter, of this, which the appointment was effective Sept. 10, 2007.

    Maybe September 11, would have been more appropriate?

    Man, remove that picture... (none / 0) (#7)
    by John Galt on Mon Nov 19, 2007 at 02:20:55 PM EST
    Every time I load RightMichigan - I see that picture.

    At first I think it's some lady with the bushy hair.  Then I realize it's the news director... and it's supposed to be a guy.

    Talk about a "face made for Radio".  Yikes.

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