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On media bias, political cowardice and taking voters for granted: The Michigan ExperimentBy Nick, Section News
Update [2007-10-6 12:0:45 by Nick]:From the Department of shameless self promotion, this article's been front-paged on RedState. Woo Hoo!
On March 29, 2007 the Congressional Black Caucus announced a historic agreement with Fox News Network to broadcast a Democrat Presidential debate live from Detroit, Michigan on the 23rd of September. The event was to feature each of the leading contenders for the Dem nomination, all on the same stage, all at the same time talking about issues important to Detroit and to Michigan. That dream didn't last long. By April 9th Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama had each pulled out of the event. But whatever for? Well, the CBC had the audacity to partner with Fox News, a media outlet the Dems didn't trust to give them an adequate quantity of free passes. Nevermind that the network wasn't guaranteed the right to provide the moderators... CBC would provide their own. Fox was merely the broadcast partner. The event would go out on their signal. And we all know that invisible cable TV signals are clearly biased. Of course, that move was only the tip of the iceberg. In recent weeks each of the Democrat candidates has signed pledges promising not to step foot in the Great Lakes State until after the primary, both taking Michigan voters for granted and flipping us all the bird at the same time. Fast forward to October. The Republicans are coming. They'll all be in metro Detroit on Tuesday addressing Michigan issues, Michigan problems and Michigan voters. And the debate will be broadcast on one of the NBC cable news networks. Not the friendliest outlet to Republicans. The moderator, Chris Matthews. Matthews, a former Dem staffer had this to say about the Bush administration this past Thursday:
Matthews left the throng of Washington A-listers with a parting shot at Cheney: "God help us if we had Cheney during the Cuban missile crisis. We'd all be under a parking lot." Caught in what, Chris? Reading off your Kos talking points? This little speech begs the question... how do you spell media bias? C-H-R-I-S M-A-T-T-H-E-W-S. The Republican POTUS candidates are all still planning on showing up Tuesday, though. And if I had to guess I'd say they'll be perfect gentlemen as Mr. Matthews spews his lefty rhetoric, asks asinine questions and behaves rudely on camera. I don't have to be as nice. Matthews should step down as moderator post haste. And if he doesn't step down he should be removed by NBC. But he won't be. They'll let him go. They'll sick the Dem attack dog on the Republican candidates live on national TV. Because that's the way the mainstream media works in the United States of America. It isn't about reporting the facts or facilitating a debate, it's about "making news," it's about personalities and it's about advancing their radical liberal agenda for America. National Democrats can't stand that heat on a balmy 50 degree day. Whisper the word "fox" and they run for the hills, dropping out of debates, issuing press releases and screaming about mean old Rupert Murdoch. And they tell an entire state that they don't care for their votes. They tell the one state in the nation that's lost jobs each of the last five years, the one state that leads the nation with a 7.4% unemployment rate, the one state raising taxes by billions as jobs whither and die every day and the one state facing a labor strike of it's major job producer that those issues aren't worth discussing. They're political cowards. And if they won't ask for one Michigan vote they don't deserve one Michigan vote. Contrast that with the Republican candidates. They're coming into a state that hasn't gone red in twenty years, into a region known for it's anti-Republican pro-labor-union sentiment and onto a stage to take slings and arrows from perhaps the most biased name in news on the king of liberal news networks. Because Michigan IS important. Our issues ARE important. Our voters ARE important. No matter what Clinton, Obama and Edwards tell you.
On media bias, political cowardice and taking voters for granted: The Michigan Experiment | 17 comments (17 topical, 0 hidden)
On media bias, political cowardice and taking voters for granted: The Michigan Experiment | 17 comments (17 topical, 0 hidden)