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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Recall Fever sweeping the MSM

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Thu Oct 04, 2007 at 07:00:07 AM EST
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    If the tax-and-spenders in Lansing were hoping the public outcry over their $1.35 billion theft would die down after a couple of days and a couple of news cycles it's starting to look like they're plum out of luck.  Momentum continues to build for efforts to remove a few folks from their seats in the Michigan House and Senate.  There's even talk all over the MSM today about potentially recalling Governor Granholm, a move that would probably fall somewhere between implausible and impossible if it weren't for the Grey Davis example in California a couple years back.

    And that's something that hasn't been lost on recall guru Leon Drolet or the reporters at the Detroit Free Press:

    Leon Drolet of the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance said that just this week, he has received messages from 1,000 people volunteering to collect signatures to recall Granholm. Drolet, whose group planned to first target up to five lawmakers who voted for the increases, said, "It's amazing how angry people are about the governor."

    Granholm, at a Monday news conference hours after the $1.4 billion in tax increases were approved, praised lawmakers who voted for them and said she would come to their defense against recalls. On Wednesday, her spokeswoman Liz Boyd said she had nothing to add.

    I get the sentiment, I really do.  People are mad as heck and they don't want to take it any more.  Practically speaking, of course, Drolet's going to have a much easier time dealing with some of the bad apples in the Michigan House.  They've got the lowest petition signature threshold, requiring somewhere around 10,000 typically, to put a recall before the voters.  That's opposed to 950,000 to yank to gov.  

    And if you think that reality is lost on the Dems in the House, well, you'd be wrong.  They can't be happy with the way their party leadership's been treating them these last few days either.  They've got Granholm slapping the legislature on the back and issuing hearty congratulations while Andy Dillon proclaims to the press that "basically, this entire package was delivered by Democrats."

    Thanks to them both for clearing all that up.

    Read on...

    The Associated Press reports:

    Drolet expects to launch two to five legislative recalls soon but hasn't decided which lawmakers to target. The decision could rest on where in Michigan people are most willing to gather signatures, he said.

    Activists also are considering a ballot drive to repeal the tax increases, possibly through either an initiative that would put the repeals before lawmakers to vote on, or through a ballot drive letting voters decide whether to reverse the changes by amending the state constitution. Either would need hundreds of thousands of valid signatures to get on the ballot.

    Those other unnamed "activists?"  That's the business community, ladies and gentlemen.  It isn't just anonymous working moms and dads who're madder than hops that the Dems had the gall to swipe over a billion dollars out of the economy during a single-state depression.  Organizations like the Small Business Association of Michigan and the National Federation of Independent Businesses in Michigan have members coming out of the woodwork on this one and calling for a return to sanity.

    No small task, after five years with Jennifer Granholm in the Governor's Mansion.

    The big question everyone's asking in Lansing right now is "who's first?"  And then, of course, "who's next?"

    Suppose we'll have to wait for Leon to answer that question.  

    Meanwhile, the Detroit News answers a question none of us even dare ask at this point... not who's next, but what's next for Michigan's economy?

    Hot on the heels of the Democrats tax hike, a set of measures that'll cost Michigan's auto industry $350 million, and a two-day UAW strike at General Motors, the union and Democrat task master is gearing up now for talks with Ford and Chrysler and as hard as it might be to believe, things are expected to potentially go LESS smoothly than they did with GM.

    GM is shifting $50 billion in retiree health care costs to the union through a company-financed trust that would be controlled by the UAW. At Ford, negotiators are expected to push for a larger discount on its $21 billion obligation to retirees than the 70 percent level that GM agreed to put into a voluntary employees' beneficiary association, or VEBA, people close to the company said.

    Ford also wants more restrictions placed on its jobs bank program, which continues to pay idled workers.

    Ah, the jobs bank.  Lifeblood of big labor and bane of rational thought.

    Let's pay people to sit in a room and watch daytime TV!  Alright!  I guess we shouldn't worry about them being bored, though.  When Leon's recalls start launching the Governor will make a couple phone calls and the union will sic it's thugs on the streets to work against Michigan families.  Not like they had anything else to do.

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