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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Granholm's Michigan..

    By amanda zaluckyj, Section News
    Posted on Tue Oct 02, 2007 at 09:34:16 AM EST
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    We're all disappointed with the way the budget situation was dealt with over the weekend. The governor threw a temper tantrum, she bribed some Republicans, and the media played along with her game. Unfortunately, she got her way.

    So, in a couple years or next, when Michigan is in this same situation, will the three ring circus happen again? Will the governor threaten a shutdown until she gets more money from Michigan's families?

    My predictions under the fold...

    Jeff, a senior at MSU, wants to take his girlfriend out on a romantic date. He was going to propose to her, but unfortunately he hasn't been able to make a trip to Indiana yet to buy the ring. After all, he would get slaughtered in sales tax for purchasing something that expensive in Michigan. Besides, with all the service fees and income taxes, he barely has a paycheck left to pay for dinner and a movie. Truth be told, his future probably doesn't lie in Michigan...how could he afford it?

    Let's not forget about single-mom and recently divorced Victory. Being on your own with a baby is tough enough, but the extra fees the state government implemented on top of her lawyer fees made the financial aspect of the divorce even worse. Not to mention she now has to pay extra taxes on her babysitting, groceries, and rent. All the while, she's watching more and more of her income being sent to Lansing. She wants to prove that she can make it on her own - she wants to take care of herself and the baby. But how much longer can she afford to do it without going broke?

    Mike and Sarah have been trying to save for their retirement for a while now. They're reaching mid-40's and were doing well, until they had to dip into the savings to help pay for everyday expenses. Tax increases hit hard: less income to pay for their mortgage, not enough money to pay for the kid's rising college tuition, and what about nursing home for grandma, which is now taxed? At this rate, they aren't sure that they'll be able to make ends meet in Michigan. How are they supposed to choose which things to give up - their home, the kid's education, or family obligations?

    Meredith is an 80 year old widow. So far, she's managed to live on her retirement fund and the little bit of social security she receives. Unfortunately, the Michigan government is now taxing her pharmacist's labor, which of course was passed onto her. Not to mention the service that picks her up to take her shopping is now taxed, so are her doctor visits, and, oh yeah, and she might have to sell her house. She doesn't want to though, she lived there with her husband for years - and it isn't like she'd get much money on this market. But she can't mow the lawn herself and clean the entire house alone, nor can she afford the pay the new taxes to her help. She'll have to fire them...

    So, what did Monday morning's tax hike really mean? It means we're on a dangerous and slippery path. Legislators allowed Granholm to raise taxes and have her way with little reforms to state government. It means that we're going to be in this same mess again soon. It means that, once again, the Governor will want to raise taxes.

    This hurts Michigan families. It hurts everyone - from those on solid ground to the most vulnerable in our state. Raising taxes makes life harder for those still here in Michigan and right now, life isn't all that easy anyway. How much longer are people going to be able to stick around?

    We needed answers. Unfortunately, we didn't get them.

    < Fair Tax Hope Grows With Anarchy | Portrait of a Tax Hiker: Robert Dean >

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    We did get an answer.. (5.00 / 2) (#1)
    by Brokeinmacomb on Tue Oct 02, 2007 at 11:02:41 AM EST
    That answer was a swaying middlefinger to the hard working class families struggling to make ends meet here in Michigan. And Granholm herself made it clear in this mornings Freep:

    Granholm, at a Monday news conference, said the prospect of recall campaigns against those who heeded her call for higher taxes makes her angry, and that she would ask voters not to sign such petitions.

    The tax votes were "the toughest votes of their lives," she said, for legislators who "came to Lansing to fix problems."

    "They don't deserve to be recalled. They deserve to be patted on the back."

    Patted on the Back? It makes her angry?..Not sign a petition? This arrogance is sickening. My friends and Family are willing to sign it and get this failure out of office.And OUT of a job.

    Why that arrogant... (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Tue Oct 02, 2007 at 11:47:36 AM EST
    ...er, I better watch my language.

    Awaiting word from Commissioner Drolet on when we will start taking out the trash.

    Is it horrible to say? (none / 0) (#3)
    by moderateme on Tue Oct 02, 2007 at 12:38:28 PM EST
    That after years employed in the Legislature and loving my job, having a great boss, I want out before this nightmare begins next year?  And that my husband's seriously thinking of taking that non-forced-union job in Wyoming?

    We don't have to wait a year (none / 0) (#5)
    by Ed Burley on Tue Oct 02, 2007 at 02:26:21 PM EST
    We'll see in 30 days when the debates start about where they'll find the $400M to cut. Republicans will protect their special interests (corporations); and the Dems will protect theirs (the middle class union thugs and welfare pukes); and once again the working poor, who have no voice in Lansing, will be forced to pay more in taxes - possibly higher state gas tax, or higher sales tax, or higher cigarette and liquor tax. Whatever it is, these slimeballs will do it.

    The middle class and corporations in this state get all kinds of goodies from our state gov't - education, health care, university subsidies; even though most of those folks would be able to pay for this stuff themselves, were it not for the level of taxation we experience. The working poor get the same benefits, but are often faced with spending cuts and tax hikes that they cannot afford, the way the middle class union thugs can.

    If gov't was small, or darn near non-existent, and people were not made criminals by the criminals, er...lawyers and politicians, in Lansing, folks could make ends meet themselves and afford things that are now out of their reach. Gov't is the problem, as was evidenced this past weekend. It is NOT the solution.

    More than family (none / 0) (#11)
    by StillHere on Tue Oct 02, 2007 at 09:17:29 PM EST
    I work for a small company that doesn't have a large profit margin. I spent most of today going through the office administrative service tax to see what services we use will be taxed. If we used the same level of services we did last year, it could nickel and dime us right out of business.  

    • Key to the Service Tax by Calhoun Kid, 10/02/2007 11:57:07 PM EST (none / 0)
      • Escorts by StillHere, 10/03/2007 06:23:12 AM EST (none / 0)
        • No, they didn't... by Nick, 10/03/2007 07:40:27 AM EST (none / 0)
          • SBAM by StillHere, 10/03/2007 06:40:03 PM EST (none / 0)
    Recall Granholm (none / 0) (#28)
    by taxpayer74 on Wed Oct 03, 2007 at 05:04:15 PM EST
    Granholm said we shouldn't recall any Legislators who voted for her tax increase. After all, it is hers since she's the one who said she wouldn't sign a continuation budget if it didn't guarantee her tax increase. I think we should start at the top and recall her. Not only could we save Michigan from her but diminish any opportunities she would have to move into Federal politics if offered a position. How do we do it? When can we start?  I believe we need a petition submitted to the election commission in her home county and once it's approved we'd have 90 days to collect signatures equal to 25% of the last Governor's election total votes.

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