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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Information Requests - the Hard way, or the Hard Way?

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Wed Oct 17, 2007 at 11:51:48 AM EST
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    The saga with Dennis Lennox & Pam Gates started me thinking on something.  

    I can't say that I would have reacted any better than Pam - well, yes, I would have, but I'm sure that her "reaction" was due to the feeling of being in a corner - maybe that's just my nice side, I don't know, but it still doesn't change the fact that she accosted a student - physically - therefore setting a very bad example of what an "adult" and "mentor" should behave like.


    Getting information from any higher source is like pulling teeth.  You can do it the hard way by filing FOIA requests, waiting months for the information, and sometimes having to re-file the paperwork, etc.

    Or, you can do it the hard way.  I submitted a regular request to the MI DNR for some statistical date - nothing too deep, and I have yet to hear back.

    I thought my approach was the nicer, less stressful way of doing things... "Hey, I have some questions, yada, yada".

    But, once again, the State of Michigan, has shown that it doesn't care, doesn't want to hear from you, and certainly doesn't want you to know anything - just go on your merry citizen way, pay your taxes, don't cause problems, and you'll be fine.

    If a regular company handled their PR the way the state does, they would soon be out of busines...

    Wonder if I can file a BBB report on the State?

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