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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Mitt Romney Breakfast - my thoughts...

    By DanaP, Section News
    Posted on Sat Oct 13, 2007 at 02:34:46 PM EST
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    *Cross posted from Save My Michigan *

    "Jennifer Granholm has made a big mistake by raising taxes," Romney said. "I was, frankly, a little nervous about being here tonight. I figured she was going to put a tax on the debate before we got finished." ~ Mitt Romney in Dearborn.

     Let me start by saying that I really enjoyed myself!  If you have the opportunity to go to one of these types of gatherings - small venue, more personal, etc. - I highly recommend it!

    I was going to take my laptop, then decided against it since it was a breakfast, and I wanted to enjoy myself and not have a clunky Notebook along for the ride.  When I first pulled up, I was greeted with a bunch of Ron Paul supporters... More power to the people, I suppose!

    I wasn't anticipating the number of people that showed up - my guess is a couple hundred?  I'm bad at that kind of thing.  Also along were some other political figures - Jason Allen, Darwin Booher, etc.

    Miss was delightful, but not necessarily charismatic.  Very well spoken, and looked you in the eye.  His answers to questions were solid and forthright which is something I can appreciate.

    Mitt has some great ideas - the nice thing about him is he isn't a career politician, or a lawyer.  His approach if elected, is what he described as a 3 leg stool - Family, Economics, Military.  First, start with the family - lower taxes, less government involvement, etc. which will lead into a better economy (more spending by the people, not the government) which will in turn lead to a stronger military base.

    His approach to Illegal Immigration was actually very smart.  He had spent some time down at the border near San Diego and asked the agents what they felt could be done - they said eliminate the 2 magnets.  One is that your major cities make it appealing for the illegal's because they offer a sort of "safe house" by not enforcing the laws.  Two is to enforce the existing laws that are supposed to govern businesses hiring illegals.

    Also, apparently according to those same agents, even with a steel wall at the location, there is a 60% success rate of them getting through.  They felt if the two magnets could be "shut off" then they could more effectively deal with the real criminals.

    He also takes a very strong and solid stance on family - no abortions, and no same sex marriages.  Refreshing to see someone stand tall on those two issues.

    That's about it - I had a wonderful conversation with my Representative Darwin Booher, and I look forward to the possibility of interviewing him in the near future!

    < Those who fail to learn the lessons from history. | Why no apparent attempt to stop building of new State Police Headquarters? >

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    Romney's CFR affiliations (none / 0) (#1)
    by dogster on Sun Oct 14, 2007 at 11:36:07 AM EST
    For those awake folks who care about such things:
    CFR Romney

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