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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Democrats continue to call Michigan worthless while tax-hikers enter cross-hairs

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Fri Oct 12, 2007 at 06:15:43 AM EST
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    Some Michigan Democrats aren't taking the official defection of half their Presidential field as lightly as Barack Obama, Two-Americas-don't-include-Michigan-Edwards, Joe Biden and Bill Richardson.  While the candidates officially removed their own names from Michigan's January 15th Presidential primary ballot, signaling loud and clear (again) what national Democrats really think of the Wolverine State (and it ain't good), Governor Granholm and DNC Committeewoman Debbie Dingell are considering a push for legislation to put their names on the ballot whether they want them there or not.

    Of course, as the Detroit News reports, this might not be as earth shaking a move as it sounds:

    None of the options under consideration would affect the Republican race; GOP candidates are campaigning in Michigan and remain on the ballot.

    Nor would the changes be likely to bring Democratic candidates back to Michigan; all, including Clinton, have vowed not to campaign in Michigan or Florida, whose early primaries violate national Democratic rules.

    The fact of the matter is, Clinton, Obama, Edwards and the rest of the lefty dream-team couldn't give two rips about Michigan families and aren't going to ask for a single Michigan vote.  They're more concerned with doing whatever Uncle Howard at the DNC tells them, proving once again that it's earned it's moniker as the Democrat National Central Planning Committee.

    Read on...

    The last "political party" in a major industrialized "first world" nation to tell it's members when and where and how to run for office and to expect and receive blind obedience passed into oblivion after being confronted by something it simply couldn't handle, a conservative, principled Republican who took the battle to them.

    The party of Carl Levin, Jennifer Granholm and Hillary Clinton may not fly the hammer and sickle (not in front of the cameras at least), but their out-dated central committee run system that puts party boss's wishes ahead of the voters', is just as succeptible to collapse.  And, bonus, if a conservative, principled Republican is willing to take the battle to them they've already signed pledges not to defend the state of Michigan.

    Besides, Democrats already have their hands full here.  Former state Rep, current head of the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance and sometimes RightMichigan.com blogger Leon Drolet announced yesterday that at least ten recalls of pro-tax legislators are being launched and according to the FREEP, the battle starts in Warren.

    The campaign to punish state lawmakers who backed all or part of last week's $1.5-billion sales and income tax increase formally began Thursday with the filing of a petition seeking to recall state Rep. Steve Bieda, D-Warren.

    If the petition language is approved and if backers can collect about 10,000 petition signatures from voters in Bieda's district in a 90-day period, an election would be scheduled to determine whether he should lose his job.

    Of course, you can find all you'd ever want to know about Bieda's tax-hiking ways here in RightMichigan's exclusive Portrait of a Tax Hiker.

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