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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Dear Dr. Dobson...

    By hangmann747, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Fri Oct 12, 2007 at 12:11:33 PM EST
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    In my last blog I said that I was going to write Dr. Dobson. (http://federalistfred.blogspot.com/).  I thought that all of you would like to read it.  Thanks Shane (The Hunt For Red November)

    Dear Dr. James Dobson,

        I am writing you because of my great concern over your position not to support the top tier republican candidates.  Sir I have listened faithfully to you for my entire Christian walk.  You have been a great blessing to me, my family, and all those I touch.  However, in this case I can't say strongly enough how much I disagree with your position.  Sir I learned a hard lesson when Bill Clinton was running for president the first time.  Wanting my vote to count I voted for Ross Perot even though I was sure he wouldn't win.  I didn't like either Bush or Clinton for president, thus voting for "None Of The Above".  In reality someone is going to win.  I learned that in our current system of government, which I do not feel it follows what is was intended to be, we have to pick the lesser of two evils sometimes or get the worst picked for us.  We all need to unite and back a candidate that has a realistic chance of winning and has the values that most closely fit the biblical standard or face another eight years of the Clintons.

        Sir you have great influence in this nation, as your meeting with the other top evangelical leaders proves.  My biggest fear is that you will single handedly hand the election over to Hillary Clinton, just as the poll showed in your interview with Sean Hannity.

        I sir have chosen to strongly back Fred Thompson.  As a Christian he most closely holds the values that are needed in this nation as president.  His record clearly shows he his pro-life and pro-family.  He also holds very strong conservative economic views as well as a strong position on defense, especially on the subjects of Islam and Israel. Most of all he has the popularity to win.  Although I don't like it, most elections in this nation really are popularity contests.  See I wish a candidate like Allen Keys could win, but so far this nation will not support him.   After your letter about Thompson I started my first blog, (http://federalistfred.blogspot.com/)

    Fred and "The Doctrine of Original Intent"
    First off let me say that I am a Christian, and I want only traditional marriage. I also listen to Dobson and will continue to do so. However I must support Thompson. He believes in the federalist beliefs of our conservative Christian founding fathers. See the bible was understood to be the base of both law and morality for the U.S. The constitution was an extension of that law to give guidance beyond the bible in areas that the bible didn't give the details needed to govern this land. The constitution is for small federal government and competition between the states, thus keeping the power with the states. It is not that Thompson is against traditional marriage; he is whole-heartedly for it. But his convictions by God are to support the constitution even when it goes against his our beliefs. Take flag burning, I HATE IT!!! Yet as a military man I must defend that persons right to burn it, to my death. I feel that Dobson just does not understand this. He should seek out one of his own brothers, Dr. David Barton (Wallbuilders dot com), who does an excellent job of explaining this and all issues pertaining to "The doctrine of original intent" of our constitution and it's strong Christian heritage. I see a bigger issue at stake. Over 80% of American believes in traditional marriage. The reason this is an issue at all is because the remaining 20% are making a bigger cry then the 80%. Our constitution only works when everyone gets educated and involved in the constitutional process. Most of the issues that face our nation are do to the fact that the government runs free and most of "We The People" run silent. Dobson's letter in the short term it will hurt Thompson. Yet in the long run Thompson will rise above this and show the "Conservative Right" he is the best choice for America.

    It is ironic sir that you risked loosing your FOTF non-profit status with the IRS to support Bush yet won't support a better candidate in Thompson.  You sir, know well more then I do that the Lord can use and have used even those that are not Christians to further his plan.  Certainly Fred Thompson does not fall into that category.  I feel The Lord will use Mr. Thompson in a great and mighty way to continue the course that President Bush has set, and even advance it in some areas.

    I do agree with you sir on Rudy Giuliani, he defiantly does not stand for pro-life.  Yet, he says he intends to appoint conservative judges, and he will support strong defense & conservative economics.  Senator McCain has very shaky economics but strong defense and leans to the conservative side of family issues. Mitt Romney has said that he is now pro-life and has a strong economics history as governor of Massachusetts.  However, for most evangelicals his Mormonism is a real concern. (I don't believe his Mormon faith disqualifies him for the presidency.)   Although I do not favor the other candidates I intend to support the republican nominee.  The truth is that any of these candidates would be superior to Clinton.  

    There are many other Christian bloggers out there that feel the same way as I do.  The support for my line of thinking is not limited to just the general public.  The Family research council President, Tony Perkins, has said that Thompson is;

    "Acceptable as a party nominee".  Mr. Thompson remains a viable candidate "because he has been very clear in stating that he sees marriage as between a man and a woman." Former U.S. Sen. Thompson "has a record that shows he is conservative socially. I think he has a record that shows he is a fiscal conservative as well as being strong in the area of foreign policy and national defense."
     Janet Parshall had this to say "There are some people that want to support a third party candidate, HELLO!, If you want to elect Hillary Clinton that is a sure way to do it".  Dr. David Barton said that he would like to see this country have a third party but feels for it to really take hold and last, it must start at the lower election seats.  These are only two of the many main line Christian political pundits.

    Sir, you taught me once that I had to pick my battles.  At the time I was trying to help raise a teenager.  Even though I had many good ideas and wanted the right course for her, I ran the risk of losing her through "Exasperation".  I may have won each individual battle but would have lost the war.  I implore you sir to pray and look at this along those lines.  If this nation elects Hillary Clinton the consequences would reach for 1000 generations.  She has already said that on her first day she will, through executive decision, repeal president Bush's  "No funding for Embryonic Stem Cells" ban.  

    Sir it has gotten to the point that a lot of Christians are just getting frustrated and don't even want to vote or think about politics.  A vote to stay home will also be a vote for the Clintons.  I believe the bible supports a strong stance to be involved in all aspects of our government.  I believe the Lord led our founding fathers to write this into the constitution.  Your involvement in politics has been a shinning example to us all.  Please sir reconsider you republican stance and encourage everyone very strongly to not get discouraged and stay in the political process.

    Blessing to you, your family, and FOTF.  May Jesus continue to shine brightly through you!  Thanks for the time, Shane Revill

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    Thompson (none / 0) (#1)
    by prattleon on Fri Oct 12, 2007 at 02:01:20 PM EST
    that was a very nicely written letter and you clearly put a lot of time into, but i must disagree.  I can't say i approve of denouncing a candidate because they are not of a particular faith or do not appear to be, though i do believe there is one candidate that IS fully in-line with christian and conservative principles...and despite what the media says, he's no long-shot.

    the faith of political leader ought to be irrelevant, since they have no authority to impose their religion or values on others.  we should be careful in selecting our leaders who will preserve the individual rights of everyone to be free from any such impositions.  

    so i can't really say whether or not dobson lacks support for thompson for a reason that i agree with, but i can safely say that thompson has not been a consistent politician and does not defend conservative principles vehemently enough.  

    he voted for sarbanes-oxley, he voted to increase the debt limit,  he has voted numerous times to restrict hand-gun ownership.  his lobbyist connections are also of concern, and not just his work for a pro-abortion group.  


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