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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Americans For Prosperity, Mackinaw Center, etc. (none / 0) (#1)
    by SharedSacrifice on Tue Sep 03, 2013 at 08:08:55 AM EST
    As someone who has participated in both AFP and MCPP events I think it is perhaps (past) time to comment on the obvious limits of both organizations in terms of what I assume most reading this would agree with.
    Simply put...neither gives 'a hoot' about any mere peon conservative activist outside of the rarified elite atmosphere that you so eloquently described. Go to an event. Attempt to approach any of their own (cough) 'rock stars' with the simplest of (short) questions involving current legislation...and do nothing but simply gauge their response or level of interest in what you have to say.
    Two examples:
    In regards to the MCPP, the best example (Tea Party indifference included) would have to be their recent flip-flopping on bankrupt inducing POBs (if they were ever truly against them in the first place). http://www.mackinac.org/12085
    It is awful hard to support an organization so adamantly opposed to future taxation that should be "outlawed"...while at the same time promoting: "if we screw younger workers (close the plan) now charged with fixing their retired coworker's mess and allow these same people to ride off in to the sunset with absolutely no shared sacrifice...we should be OK...".  
    The above is why Tea Folk have a hard time convincing young people that they are genuine. This is why many 'older young people' (I'm 50) refuse to attend TP meetings where even the mere mention of "shared sacrifice" incites a near mob-like riot. POBs were the hot button issue in Michigan last year that not one conservative organization, blog or "tea party lobbyist" (and I'm assuming this readership as well) would touch with a 10 foot pole. We all knew that Detroit was eventually going to file and what the governor would do...yet weren't tea partiers (by their silence) actually seeking a "no vote of the people required" BETTER DEAL for themselves or loved ones out here in rural/suburban Michigan with this legislation? Where has the outrage been on this site or any other conservative site in Michigan over end of career juiced pensions in the public sector? Is "shared sacrifice" a concept merely used to describe our children and grandchildren forever stuck with funding pensions that were not only fraudulently obtained...but neatly covered up by their parents and grandparents through their (now obvious) silence?
    As for AFP...was there a single conservative on the Capital lawn the week of Dec. 11th, 2012? Then why is this account of the events of that day...the only official public record that we have? Is it accurate? http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,4643,7-123-1586-291257--RSS,00.html
    Was there any pressure brought to bear by AFP on their "lunch buddies" (legislators) to even so much as condemn what happened that day...let alone their colleague's "There Will Be Blood" call to arms that came to be not hours later? Why was an African-American hot dog vendor segregated (by himself) in a huge tent that no 'peons' were allowed to enter the day before...for no reason? What connection does his wife have to the Michigan Republican Party? Why was unacceptable behavior all week in our Capital building and on our grounds not a lobbying 'issue' with AFP...so that freedom of speech may once again be restored to our state capital in a controlled atmosphere...and so that nothing like this ever happens again?  Why has AFP not shed light on the fact that not one legislator has ever publicly condemned what happened that week in public or on even their own websites? (Bolger and Schuitmaker's incredulous appearances on Fox immediately afterwards being prime examples). Is it due to the fact that pressuring legislators for the sake of mere political pawns (what we were that day) will get you nothing but a cancelled dinner date?

    I appreciate this site and the opinions given. I also respect this report from Orlando and the confirmation of what we all already knew concerning "elite" Tea Party so called conservatives and their bubble building handlers.

    What I don't understand is the willingness of so many conservatives to readily believe that conservative non-profits in general are not out for anybody but themselves and/or their so called 'careers' when they bring themselves (down in their eyes) to meet or manipulate the masses. Go to an "it's all about our kids" meeting where either of these group's leaders are present and simply ask a tough question related to any of the above or your own.

    Just be prepared to never have your question answered directly or to be attacked verbally on the way out (YMMV).

    • Well by JGillman, 09/03/2013 08:47:27 AM EST (none / 0)

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