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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Okay, I'll play: Enlighten me, sir. (5.00 / 1) (#16)
    by KG One on Sat Jul 27, 2013 at 10:48:08 AM EST
    If the good representative wants to use 9/11 as an excuse to to down to the National Archives and run that faded old piece of paper he swore to uphold and defend through an industrial strength shredder, then maybe he would be so kind to use his spook connections to explain why the federal government failed to act on information that it did possess before (and during) PRISM, such as:

    Detroit Flight 327 - June 2004. 14 passengers from the Middle East. All flew one way. All paid in cash. All acting suspiciously throughout the flight, including making numerous trips to the restroom (sometimes in groups), while carrying bags and phones.

    Detroit Flight 253 - December 2009. Wannabe terrorist from Nigeria who tried to blow up an inbound flight over Detroit. Was tipped off directly to our own government by HIS OWN FATHER who is a man of good standing in his home country about his son's intentions. Still no word on how he was able to get onto his flight without the proper paperwork or who The Sharp Dressed Man accompanying him was.

    Seal Team Six Assassination - August 2011. Shortly after taking out OBL, 22 members of Seal Team Six, along with 16 other troops, were assassinated while trying to assist Army Rangers pinned down fighting the Talaban. Their Chinook (yes, I said Chinook) was shot down by a RPG. Survivors from the wreckage were shot and killed by Talaban ground troops. In a final slap in the face to their families (aside from Pres. B.O. publically telling Al Qaeda exactly who they were), their bodies were not returned to their families, but were cremated.

    The Tsarnaev Brothers - April 2013. Killed 3, injured over 200 in a terrorist attack during the Boston Marathon Bombing. FSB warned us back in '11 that these two were trouble, yet the federal government DID NOTHING.

    So, Rep. Rogers? Are you willing to come up with something a little more substantial to back up your argument on the true effectiveness of the program you are so vocally defending?

    Or, are you just going to release carefully scripted sound bites and agree to carefully controlled interviews.

    Your underlings read this site.

    Man up and give us an answer!

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