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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well, ... (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sun Jun 23, 2013 at 11:27:38 AM EST
    ...should anyone expect differently form a CEO corporate snake who amassed a bulk of his wealth using other peoples money while trying to cloak that U of M cronies fact.

    Einstein had a definition to describe Conservatives trying to save the MI-GOP from the self-invented Nerd persona, and Third world voting/Law writing Schostak.  Both Snyder, and Schostak, only serve to keep the Progressive Utopia alive, and... profitable for themselves.

    Conservatives were outflanked by Romney/Rockefeller/Ford/Milliken Progressive losers.  Hell, some of those once alleged 'conservatives' have even turned to Liberaltarian embracing sodomy in attempts to stay relevant among their ShowStak Party peers.

    It is, what it is.


    Two thoughts . . . (5.00 / 1) (#5)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sun Jun 23, 2013 at 01:39:20 PM EST
    . . . on this:

    First, any line being spewed by anyone that Randy Richardville had all four fence-sitters (to produce a total republican support of 9 votes) is so much manure.  Reliable whip counts pegged the republican "yeas" at no more than 6 (not including Brian Calley), which means that Richardville peeled off exactly one fence-sitter (widely believed to be Judy Emmons, but that cannot be proven).  Tonya Schuitmaker had 17 "nays" plus the other 3 fence-sitters (Tom Casperson, Dave Hildenbrand, and Mark Jansen).  Word also was that 2 or 3 democrat senators were prepared to defect to the opposition if Gretchen Whitmer pushed too hard to call the question before the summer recess.

    Second, Governor Nerdly made it clear by his behavior in the 2010 primary that he doesn't give a damn what happens to the rest of the ticket, as long as he gets his way.  Recall the downticket carnage wrought by Rick Michigan's execution of "Operation Schwartz" on GOTV weekend, just to make sure that he could get a plurality over Pete Hoekstra, who'd been the front-runner for the 22 weeks immediately preceding the primary.

    Yeah, the One Rough Turd is poisoning the party well by using it as his personal latrine.  Time to call in a plumber.


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