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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Whelp, ... (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sat Jun 15, 2013 at 08:01:31 AM EST
    ...when is the last time you raised your prices by any of those percentages?  Oh, and you have to still remain in business.

    It is all a coercive shakedown, unless your business model operating on those "fat city" percentages can demonstrate otherwise.

    I'm also not sure where you're coming from with the "we gotta pay our bills" nonsense, but I would suggest you look deeper into some of those bills, HB 4669 in particular, in the area of LEO monies allocation, then tie that to Matt Lori's agenda to bring .08 highway law into everyone's off-road (boating, snowmobiles, ORV) recreational activities.

    Please.  Do not even try to convince me that both Party's don't work in unison figuring out ways to raid our wallets - they do, and they just argue over ways to spend what they steal.


    I would recommend stepping back... (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Sun Jun 16, 2013 at 07:51:23 AM EST
    ...and looking at the bigger picture here.

    Lansing is sitting on a budget surplus, and has been for some time now.

    We are told that more new taxes are "necessary", without any rationale or evidence to support that assertion.

    And this is all coming from people belonging to a party that purports to:

    "I BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn. "

    Since Lansing feels that the surplus shouldn't go back to where it originally came from, any new tax/fee hikes should've gone down in flames.

    They haven't.

    Which should be as troubling to most people here as last week's HB-4714 vote.


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