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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The demarc . . . (none / 0) (#7)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Thu May 30, 2013 at 08:49:17 AM EST
    . . . is handled in the proposed implementation language.  I don't have that in front of me (and can't seem to find it on my laptop right now), but if my memory serves me correctly, a "business-to-business transaction" assumes that the parties to the transaction are each participating under at least a D.B.A., if not an LLC or a full-blown corporate identity.  In other words, such a transaction has to happen under the cover of at least two business licenses (or something similar, such as a church's tax exempt status or an active C.T.E. account).

    Could I, hypothetically, go through all of the paperwork to set up a "shell LLC" and use that as a cover to make all of my household purchases tax-exempt?  Sure, in theory.  But sooner or later someone's going to notice that I'm making some purchases that seem awfully odd for a company, and that there isn't any business volume coming across my books.  This will be followed by a visit from "Uncle Andy" (or whoever's serving as the State Treasurer at the time), with some questions that I don't have answers to.  The next thing you know, I'm getting fitted for a prison jumpsuit.

    The last I checked, there's about a 1.6% shortfall between expected sales tax revenue reported and actual sales tax revenue collected, so I suppose that it's not a stretch to infer that something hinky is going on somewhere.  The upside to going to a consumption-based model of taxation is that there're fewer collection points to keep track of (every business license, as opposed to every resident), so catching tax fraud should be more efficient.


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