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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      As a follow-up thought . . . (none / 0) (#4)
      by Kevin Rex Heine on Sat May 11, 2013 at 04:44:48 PM EST
      . . . consider a point made by Mr. Bezmenov in "The Art of Subversion" that, so long as the subverted country hasn't actually been "normalized," military force isn't necessary to reverse the process.

      Normalization pre-requires a crisis severe enough that a country's socio-political culture willingly accepts the imposition of communism as the "new normal."  The sheer size of the American economy requires a crisis on the order of a Cloward-Piven implosion (heretofore unprecedented, so far as I know) in order to collapse the economic and political infrastructure, and necessitate an open implementation of socialism just to stabilize the country.

      Until then, military force isn't necessary to reclaim the United States in the name of Liberty . . . but we are running out of time.

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