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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Standing On Principle (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by TiredIronTim on Mon Feb 18, 2013 at 08:53:39 AM EST
     The principles we stand on puts us head and shoulders of above those who oppose us.

    If you think it's hard standing on principle, imagine trying to defend a position or your power  in the Party without it.

    The Founding Principles we stand for are a conglomeration of thoughts, concepts, and ideas collected over the course of recorded history and distilled into a formula for success that is irrefutable, unrivaled, and bulletproof against all attack and debate. Many attempts have been made to shoot the messenger, and some have indeed been successful, but 50 yrs later in Michigan we're still an inconvenient truth.

    While we do not need the GOP for the survival of conservatism or the Founding Principles, the demise of the GOP will be hastened without us and what we stand for.

    Returning fire on flame throwers and snipers in Lansing will be required, but there are more of us than them. And when we're packin heat with the Silver Bullets of Founding Principles, we become a very formidable force for change.

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