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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A Victory To Be Proud Of (none / 0) (#1)
    by TiredIronTim on Mon Nov 25, 2013 at 03:22:03 PM EST
    The Snyder/Bolger/Richardville trifecta decided we should succumb to their wishes, and rammed the state partnership health exchange bill through the statehouse- 3 days after the final day of the MRP Convention in Lansing in February of this year.

    While reaching out to some trusted allies in Lansing on that miserable Tuesday, I was told to "sit this one out", "don't get the grassroots involved in a senate battle on this", and that "it would be rammed through in similar fashion- so don't set yourself up for a guaranteed and humiliating defeat". "Protect your allies from the demoralizing fact that the "bigs" wanted it", they said, and "there's nothing we could do about it". In other words, "it was a done deal", and that any and all resistance was futile.

    But thanks to the dedication of thousands of activists across the entire state, a withering assault was laid on the senate, the house, the emperor's office, the state party chair, the county chairs, at least most of the GOP Congressmen from Michigan, and radio talk shows in some of the major markets in Michigan.

    Michigan's liberty warriors answered the call to action, and we all owe them another loving Tip of the Hat for their hard work and relentless positive action. Without them, we would only be wishing, instead of knowing, that we're a major thorn in the side of Obamacare.

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