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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    We'll agree to disagree... (none / 0) (#2)
    by KG One on Sat Sep 01, 2012 at 10:38:31 AM EST
    ...on that first part.

    Using the democrats slight-of hand tactic as a template. I'm seeing a major shakeup coming after the republicans lose the House this fall, and that has to do not with the MI-Supremes, but the State Board of Canvassers itself.

    I wouldn't be very surprised if you see next year a push for some sweeping changes in how the BoC operates.


    • A narrowing/clarification of the definition of what the BoC can and cannot do.

    • A changing of the makeup (which will require a Constitutional Amendment) to make the board not only an odd number to prevent future tie votes, but remove the party affiliations as well. (I know, I know. Good luck with that!)

    • Changing of the process to have the BoC approve petitions before they are actually circulated. Afterwards, they will only fulfill a housekeeping role by only certifying whether of not the number of signatures are valid after the SoS is done with them.

    Filing court cases and appeals costs democrats and unions lots of money.

    Why worry about court and attorney fees when you can just buy the votes and easily change what the courts are supposed to reference?

    Speaking of buying votes, I've got something interesting in store for Monday.

    Stay tuned...

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