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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Sadly typical (none / 0) (#3)
    by Rougman on Thu Aug 02, 2012 at 05:19:51 PM EST
    Give me a break.  Like we have the money for this kind of crap.  As the commercials say, 'but wait, there's more!'

    Indian Trails is getting a nice big hunk of federal largess to launch a new bus service between East Lansing and Detroit metro.

    Michigan Flyer will receive nearly $596,000 to help cover the first-year operating costs of a new route on the I-96 corridor between East Lansing and the Detroit Metropolitan Airport.
    It's a wonderful thing to see private/public partnerships motivated to take taxpayer money from my grandchildren and shift it into the pockets of today's crony capitalists who, somewhere along the line, forgot that their business models need to be economically viable before pulling the trigger.

    Whether it is Dan Burden (an appropriate name, don't you think) of the Walkable and Livable Communities Institute receiving the money, or some crony at Indian Trails, the borrowed money seeding these ventures won't be paid back in our children's lifetimes. Or our children's children's.

    But, perhaps these guys know more than I give them credit for.  When the collapsed economy makes it nearly impossible for the average Joe to even own an automobile, a luxury coach or flower lined sidewalk might very well become our favored way of transportation.

    Gotta love government--devising new ways to spend our money every day.

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