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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    So where's all the blue hairs protesting? (none / 0) (#5)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue May 01, 2012 at 12:43:11 PM EST
    They've got a lot of free time on their hands and I haven't seen any, have you?

    Honestly, I don't like any new tax as government has repeatedly demonstrated it has perfected p!ssing the revenue it has/creates away on buying votes, but with the lack of geezer uproar one has to make the assumption that the pension tax was much to do about nothing after all.  If the geezers aren't willing to push Snydholm back, then why should I care about their situation?  In other words: my give a damn is busted.

    Bottom line is the MI-GOP is easily identified as the Party of Crony Capitalism.  Ferchrissake, Snydholm just last week called his renewed push for the taxpayer funded goonion labor payola DRIC/NICT an example of free enterprise.  Maybe in Obamaville or RINOland that's considered free enterprise but it sure as hell isn't in my book.

    Ms. LaFontaines' votes show that she enabled Snydholm and his wondering eye puppet leading the Senate with a substantial portion of that agenda.  No, there isn't going to be a "perfect" person in Lansing, but it sure as hell doesn't hurt to have primary challenges as a tune-up reminder of why 2010 voters sent them there.

    If Mr. Shmina makes it to Lansing, so be it.  If it proves out that he doesn't "get it" like Ms. LaFontaine didn't, then primary him too.

    The incumbent entitlement mentality has to end.


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