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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The dirty little secret is (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Mar 26, 2012 at 11:44:07 AM EST
    70% of Union members polled two years ago said if given the choice (real choice) they would choose to leave their union. 90% reported the only reason they joined the unions in for first place was that it was a requirement of employment. If given the opportunity the workers in closed shop states like the Soviet Socialist Republic of New Siberia would be willing to foregoe membership rather then pay protection money to the Goonions. The labor thugs scream they need choice and therefore want card check. Where is the choice in that. Where is the choice in a closed shop state such as Michigan? Truth is there is none. The biggest single reason they will fight and kick and scream to maintain the status quo is very simple. They realize they will lose at least 70% to 80% of the current membership if those workers are given the choice to leave and still maintain their employment.
    For that matter lets put it up for a national vote. A national RTW law as opposed to giving the Goons what they want. Guess who will lose? Big time lose too. The only thing that keeps these thugs in business are the archaic laws that were passed in the 30's by their favorite Socialist FDR. The lies they tell to skew the facts are that RTW prevents union organization. Not true. That right is garanteed by Federal labor law. So, yes. By all means lets have a vote. Our ideas against the Socialists. For those who don't like my use of the word Socialists to describe unions need to read the book "Labors Socialist beginings." Walther Ruther was a Socialists as was George Meany. So let's go. Get it done.

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