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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Santorum has a lot of positives (none / 0) (#2)
    by Bruce on Wed Feb 08, 2012 at 11:05:56 AM EST
    ... but he has some potential political blowbacks of his own creation that are sure to become more widespread in the news if he continues to gain traction as a candidate:

    1. "But Santorum wasn't always so opposed to government-run schools--especially one Pennsylvania cyber charter school that offered students free computers, internet service, and online classes. Between 2001 and 2004, that online school allowed the Santorum family to live in Virginia, while sticking Pennsylvania taxpayers with a $100,000 bill."

    2. Many GOP voters also want a nominee they believe can defeat President Barack Obama, a factor that is perceived to be Mr. Romney's area of strength. In 2006, Mr. Santorum's fiery brand of social conservatism turned off voters in Pennsylvania, and in particular in the Philadelphia suburbs, the sort of swing areas key to any candidate's 2012 efforts.  "Anytime someone is rejected by home-state voters, it will give other voters pause," said Jim Roddey, chairman of the GOP in Allegheny County, Pa., who called 2006 "a real liability." Voters "will say, 'What do they know about him that we don't?' " he added. Mr. Roddey has worked with Mr. Santorum and considers him a friend, but is backing Mr. Romney.

    3. "But there's at least one blemish on Santorum's conservative record: his vote for the Medicare prescription drug entitlement in 2003 -- the biggest expansion of the program since it was created in 1965 and a bill that the Congressional Budget Office said would add nearly $400 billion to cumulative budget deficits over the first ten years after its enactment.  Fiscal conservatives such as Paul, DeMint and Santorum's fellow Pennsylvanian Pat Toomey voted against the Medicare prescription drug bill, as did Sen. John McCain of Arizona."

    No doubt Santorum is the most issue-based conservative when compared to Romney and Gingrich.  The question is whether he is open to real criticism regarding apparent hypocrisy and whether he has higher negatives in a general election than the others.

    His recent victories will make the GOP campaign far more interesting.  Just hope it yields positive instead of chaotic results come November.

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