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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well . . . (none / 0) (#14)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Mon Feb 13, 2012 at 10:46:53 AM EST
    . . . how is that Newt's responsibility to explain?

    And if you think that it is, then may I suggest going over to this particular link, and filling out this particular form.

    I find it interesting that Gingrich can't so much as get a ketchup stain on his tie without the media turning it into a major story (deliberately spun as negatively as possible), but Romney and Santorum have major negatives that the media won't touch with a 20-foot pole.  The way that I've learned to read it, the socialist-progressives (regardless of party stripe) and liberal media elites actively slime the candidate that they're most afraid of.  Ergo, NLG is the single biggest current threat to derailing the Romney Coronation Train.

    More to come on this topic, but I don't want to steal too much thunder from a blog post project in the hopper.


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