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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Kill two birds with one stone. (none / 0) (#7)
    by KG One on Sun Dec 09, 2012 at 08:27:55 AM EST
    Trying to catch up on the news this weekend, I've seen the false prophet's weekly address where he goes off (again) on the "rich" not paying their so-called fair share.

    With the top 10% providing 70%+ of the federal revenue,
    his math is iffy at best, which explains why his economic advisers had resigned and we're $5-trillion more in debt under his watch, but I digress.

    The man hasn't had a budget approved in at least three years. His own party didn't even cast one vote for his most previous budget.

    Pres B.O. can best be described as a a BS-artist. Period!

    He can't get things done in government, but is able to BS people into thinking that he can.

    I'll be honest, I'm not okay with how FTW was introduced. I do know that there were talks going on for quite a while now, but springing everything at the last minute is a tactic of the enemy (Exhibit "A": Obamacare's midnight last-minute vote). I'd prefer to let labor see the train coming down the track for a while before it hits them. But to be perfectly clear on this, I do agree 100% with the concept of giving workers the freedom to choose, even if it makes the likes of Hoffa, King, Trumka & their followers cry and stomp their feet like spoiled little children.

    This post is getting a little longer than I expected, but here's where I'm going at with this.

    We need someone with some name recognition to tell Pres. B.O. what he really is.



    Flim-flam artist.

    I don't care.

    And that unlike him, we are able to get things done here in Michigan like Freedom to Work.

    And to drive that fact home, using his own arguments against him.

    Pres. B.O. loved to use the meme that everyone's taxes will go up because Congress can't do anything.

    Prove him wrong. Show him how someone from Michigan takes the lead (since no one else will), and make the MSM work for Conservatives for a change!

    Introduce a bill in the House (where it needs to because it dealing with tax issues) making the so-called "Bush" tax rates permanent...for all income brackets. This would be a great bill for someone like Rep. Amash to introduce.

    Then, get everyone on the same page that it will be Pres. B.O. and his flying monkeys in the Senate making everyone's taxes go up if they fail to act.

    There was a bill in the hopper before the deadline...but it was the democrats who wanted everyone's taxes to go up, because they didn't want to do anything about it.

    Let them mull on what elected officials from Michigan can do when they put their minds to it.

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