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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I had posted a long reply (none / 0) (#31)
    by InksLWC on Mon Dec 10, 2012 at 03:28:58 AM EST
    discussing the spectrum of people who vote their conscience vs. people who vote their district, but when I went to post it, the site crashed, and it was down whenever I tried to get on.  Is something wrong with the server?

    • The server is fine. It is a new filter... by Corinthian Scales, 12/10/2012 07:30:05 AM EST (none / 0)
      • No... by InksLWC, 12/10/2012 12:03:03 PM EST (none / 0)
        • lol by Corinthian Scales, 12/10/2012 12:53:57 PM EST (none / 0)
          • What? by InksLWC, 12/10/2012 01:01:16 PM EST (none / 0)

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